Animation Office

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We're blaming one of my very few friends who sent me this fanart and prompt for what I'm about to write..

We're blaming one of my very few friends who sent me this fanart and prompt for what I'm about to write

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She also sent me a Harumi one but it is genuinely something I am NOT willing to share in image form..

*Modern AU


Lloyd was sat back in his desk's chair, his legs leant up against the desk. He was tapping his lower lip with the bottom of a pen, trying to come up with some new inspiration for a character's new design.
It was so hard to make something dragon-themed that didn't look too much like the others, or too tacky.

Just as he was about to let out a small shrill of rage, he heard a knock. The door knocked once more before opening, and he knew who it was by the rhythm. One of the many animation workers at the office, Harumi Jade.
Not only had she backed the company significantly with money, but she had also supported the team physically and mentally.

"Thought you might want a cup." the white-haired female declared as she was holding two cups, one for herself and one for Lloyd.
Lloyd smiled, before realising she had his mug.

Lloyd took his legs off of his desk. "How did-" he looked around his desk, wondering if she had a duplicate. "How'd you get my mug? I've been here all day!"

"Exactly. You were in such a daze," Harumi said as she gently pushed the door shut with her foot, walking over "you never realised I asked if you needed anything."

"Agh, sorry Rumi.. I've just been so busy with these designs and-"

"Hush." Harumi held the coffee cup out to him. "No work talk. Drink your coffee before you collapse right in front of me."

Lloyd nodded, taking the cup gratefully. "Thank you." he said simply before taking a small sip.

Harumi looked over at the screen, eyeing the new designs. "Mind if I add a little something to this prototype?"

"Yeah, of course." Lloyd placed his coffee down, then went to get out of his chair. Seems he didn't understand Harumi's request entirely. She didn't take the chair, just simply leant over, taking control of his PC's mouse.
He blushed a little as he watched her determined face as she began to copy and paste some add-ons before adding effects like overlay and airbrush.
She was so focused that she didn't realise just how much she was lowering her back and accidentally showing her curves.

"Okay, you are going to hurt yourself." Lloyd said as he saw her uncomfortable position, "Just- sit while you show me what you're doing." he said before pulling her on top of his lap.
Harumi flashed a small grin at him.

"Well thank you, my prince charming." Harumi said jokingly before continuing her work. She copied the entire model another two times, using three different shades of the Ninja characters to give Lloyd an idea what it would look like.
Though instead, it seemed that Lloyd was interested in another image.

She could feel something change about where she was sat, and she was smart enough to know what it was. She chuckled to herself as she kept her eyes glued on the screen.
"Lloyd. Last time I checked, your character was a dragon, not you." Harumi began, getting his attention. "Just because the new series is called Dragons Rising doesn't mean you have to take it literally."

Lloyd felt heat rush to his face as he realised what she was implying, looking away momentarily. "It's not like you make it easy.." Lloyd muttered to himself.

Harumi turned her head to look at the blonde, leaning back in his arm. "It's not my fault you can't control yourself." she teased as she leant their faces close together. "Do you want to kiss me considering we're so close?~"

"Harumi.. Please, don't do this here." Lloyd pleaded, despite making no effort to pull away. His white-haired co-worker grinned, leaning closer as she brushed their lips together.

"I'm right here~" Harumi informed as she gave him small pecks, building up to something bigger. Lloyd wanted to explore it, and he was going to until he heard a knock at the door. Lloyd's arm instantly released her waist but stayed behind to steady her.
Harumi leapt off of Lloyd's lap, her hands shooting back to the keyboard to pretend to finish the design.

It was Kai, of course it was..

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