Chapter 3

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Marinette and Marcel stood in front of the airport and looked at each other.


A sigh escaped both their mouths.

“Is Miss Bustier really so stupid to the point that she left the two students who have the whole reservation on their name alone in the most dangerous city in the world?” Marcel asked his sister.

“I really want to say it is an accident, but we both know that it wasn’t.” Marinette sighed, “ Let's just get a Taxi to take us to the hotel.”

For some reason everyone was staring at the two, and the twin didn’t understand why.



     Oh my god, I was at the airport and  I saw two  who look exactly like Mr. wayne


@sleepycat > Robin25

        He has more!!!! How many kids does he have by now?


@stalkerWho? > Robin25

                [picture] Oh my god!!! It’s like you are looking at sunshine incarnation


@Robin25 > Robin25

                  I just walked past them and I heard them talking. Their class left them behind!!! Like do they not know how dangerous Gotham is?!!!



“There is a taxi there” Marinette exclaimed as she dragged her twin to the taxi only to be stopped by a tall muscular man.

“I wouldn’t go with him If I were you pixie” the man smiled as Marcel pulled his sister behind him and got ready to defend himself.

“Whoa there little guy I ain’t trying to hurt you” The man said, he smiled in amusement when he saw the silent communication between the twins as the girl hid behind the boy and started taking something out of her bag. “That taxi is an obvious trap in Gotham” He pointed at the taxi driver who scowled at them and drove away.

Jason saw how Marcel analyzed their whole situation before dropping his guard a bit, just a little bit.

‘Good ,so they don’t trust just anyone’ he thought as he saw the girl writing something really fast on her phone.

“Hello I am Marin and this is my sister Miya, thanks for helping us” Marcel said with a smile that was half real and half fake.

“Jason” he shook the hand that was offered to him and he noticed how the girl was still writing.

‘Oh! They are smart, the boy distracting me while not giving me any personal information. While the girl is most likely sending a description of my appearance to their friends.’

“So why are you alone? You must know how dangerous Gotham is.” He asked.

“Yeah child's play compared to paris.” Jason barely held his laughter as he heard Marinette mumble. He and the rest of the family did a full background check on the twin, and found out how Hawkmoth seemed to target them by either sending a corrupted butterfly at them (they currently hold the record of how many time Hawkmoth tried to akumatize them) or sending Akumas to try to kill them after they became a symbol for paris that encourage the civilians to fight against the possession.

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