Chapter 7

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As soon as the twins were away from people's eyes, faster than the eyes could register Marcel used black whip to snatch the weapons of the three men. He threw the knees on the ground and passed the bat to marinette.

The three men blinked as Marcel started his knuckles and Marinette started swinging the bat in her hand.

“Me two and you one?” Marinette asked with a grin.

“Sure I will take the bigger one” Marcel shrugged.

“The fuck is going on.” the man on the left said as Marinette dashed and swung her bat hitting him on the side.

Marcel not falling behind bolted as he punched the bigger man that was standing on the right side, breaking his nose. Not giving him any chance to recover, Marcel caught the man's wrist, flipped him over and pinned him on the ground, one strong hit to the back of the head and the man lost consciousness.

Back to Marinette, she dogged as the man that was standing in the middle tried to attack her and without mercy she delivered the bat straight to his face, knocking him off.

The man that was first attacked by marinette finally recovered from her first attack and saw that he was the only one left.

He sweat dropped as the twin looked at him. “Mercy?”.

Marcel looked at marinette, she was the one to decide.

“Hmm” she hummed as she walked closer to the man. “Since I know what you were planning to do with me, No.” She kicked him in the balls as hard as she could.

“Ow” Marcel covered his private parts.

“T-that..was u-unnecessary.” That was the man’s last world before falling face to the ground.

“That was refreshing.” Marinette smiled as she threw the bat away.

“Let’s go, I already called the cop.” Marcel dragged his sister away, he wasn’t in the mood to get stuck answering all of the police’s questions.

The twins made their way to where the rest of the group were waiting for them.

“Finally!” Chloe huffed as she crossed her arms. “Why were you late?” She glared  at the twins.

Damian and Jason noticed some blood on Marcel’s fist.

“Did you get in a fight?” Damian asked, raising an eyebrow at the twin who smiled sheepishly.

“Oh god! Marbear, how many bones did you break this time?” Chloe exclaimed, also noticing the blood on Marcel’s fists.

“None.” Marcel answered as he glared at her.

“Really?” Jason asked, raising an eyebrow totally not believing him, from what Marinette told him, Marcel will break bones any chance he gets.

“The probability of you lying is 99%” Max said.

“Well, this time I am telling the truth, I think Mari broke some bones but I only broke the man’s nose.” Marcel pointed at his sister.

“I kind of used all of my strength when I hit him in the side, so he may have a broken rib.” Marinette shrugged.

“How did you end up fighting in the first place?” Damian asked, he first dismissed the ‘villain magnet’ title that Chloe told them about but now he isn’t sure.

“A group of three men tried to harass Mari” Marcel waid with a dangerous gleam in his eyes as he hugged his sister from behind.

“We led them into an empty corner and dealt with them” Marinette continued with a smug smirk.

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