Chapter 10

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Marcel’s blood froze from the sight in front of him. Dead bodies everywhere!

All Might, his mom inko, Aizawa, Kacchan, shoto, Uraraka, Iida, Tsu and all of his classmates!

His mom Sabine, his papa, his fiends, Chloe, Max, Kagami, and Luka, All of his friends!

Everyone was laying on the ground dead and soaking in their own blood.

To his right, Marinette, his twin sister, was kneeling beside him with a cracked chest. She was Youth again!

He could see multiple other Akumas and Villains from his past life all staring at him.

He could see All for- No he killed him, the Man’s form changed and he could see Motherfucking Hawk Moth staring at him Smiling, Anger bubbled in his chest as tears dropped from his eyes.

He will make them regret this, All of them. And he will make Hawk bitch regret ever being fucking born.

Rage consumed his mind as he felt Black whip bubble under his skin, screaming to be released.

Marcel was gonna let it, he was gonna let his anger consume him and Kill Hawk Bitch with his-


A panicked voice cut his thoughts.

-Marcel!! NO NO NO NO you can’t be dead! Marcel!!

He recognized the voice, he looked sideways. Youth was looking at him emotionlessly but he could tell that wasn’t her real expression.

-Marinette I am here, I am alive.

He sent through their mind link, his anger only doubling as he could tell.

All of this is just a nightmare.

A nightmare made by fucking Hawk bitch


Tears silently dropped from her eyes as she processed the scene in front of her.

bodies were surrounding her. Her friends, her family, all of them were dead on the ground soaking in their own blood.

Half of the body of her mother was missing, only dust was sitting next to the half corps.

Her papa had his head cut off and had claw marks all over his body.

Akumas were everywhere surrounding her. And Chat blanc was giving her the same crazy smile that haunted her nightmares while standing beside Hawk moth who was Smiling at her.

She looked at her side where her brother was kneeling beside.


She screamed using their mind to link to Her brother who was soaked in blood  and didn’t have his arm.

She looked at the hole in his stomach that was dripping with blood.

-Marcel!! NO NO NO NO you can’t be dead! Marcel!!

She screamed through the mind link hoping to get any sort of response from those lifeless eyes.

Panic and sadness in her chest were slowly turning into rage and desire for the blood of whoever made her brother like that.

-Marinette I am here, I am alive.

The calm voice of her brother relieved her panic, but she didn’t miss the great amount of anger hidden underneath the fake calm.

The lifeless brother looked at her and she could tell that her brother was okay. She was the one to beat his self preservation  into his skull so he wouldn’t and couldn’t lie to her about his injuries.

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