Chapter 11

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Sooo?” Jason raised an eyebrow at the twin “you are meta?”

“Yep” Marcel responded cheerfully, he already expected this.

“What can you do?” Jayson asked, his eyes shining.

“What do you know?” Marinette retorted.

“Hmm~” Jayson hummed as he drove the car. “Well, we know about the black tentacles-”

“EW! Don’t call them that!” Marcel snapped.

“- and we think you can communicate with each other without talking and the smock, the ring is just a decoy isn’t it?” Jason continued totally ignoring Marcel protest.

Marcel clapped his hands. “Do you want a prize?”  he asked with a grin.

“I won’t mind it, but do you have any more powers?” Jayson returned the grin and asked.

The twins shrugged.

“Who knows?” Marinette responded.

“You want to play this game, then what about this, I will tell you a secret and you tell me your powers?” Jayson asked, he really wanted to ruin the surprise of Bruce being their Dad. he knew B is planning to talk about this during dinner and he wants to ruin it a bit.

The Twins glanced at each other. “And who said we don’t already know that secret?.… Bro.” Marinette spoke with a smile that just widened when instantly Jayson crushed the brake pedal in shock, stopped the car and whipped his head towards them.

“How the fuck?”

“You are part of the reason we know.” Marcel pointed at him.

“How? Is ‘finding out secrets’ something that flows in your blood like B?” Jason asked as he composed himself and started the car.

“I don’t know about Bruce but secrets tend to find Zu not the other way around.” Marinette shrugged.

“So how did you know about B being your father?”

“First, you met us on the first day. It was hella sus. The only reason we didn’t attack you was because my powers told me that you didn’t have any negative intent towards us.” Marcel grumbled.

“Honestly Jay, at first I thought that you were some kind of creep. In reality who will just randomly warn us about being tricked by the taxi, be extremely friendly with us and even give us a ride to our hotel in a very expensive looking car. ” Marinette said without mercy.

“Owch!” Jason whined “but fair that did make me look like a creep with twin fetish.” he cringed and made a disgusted face.

“Yep, and If you did have my powers would have warned me.” Marcel laughed at Jason’s face.

“Anyway meeting Damian and Chloe’s comment about us being siblings was what really gave it away.” Marinette explained

“And how the two of you were unnaturally friendly, especially Damian. I did my research on your family before coming here, and he is known as Ice prince for a reason.” Marcel continued.

“and the joke he said about the adoption.” Marinette added.

“So demon spawn was who truly exposed us.” Jason nodded, planning on throwing it in his face later.

“Yes, this morning Chloe kept insisting that we are Bruce's kids, so we decided to ask our parents. And here you can see yourself.” Marcel passed his phone to Jason.

Jason whistled “Damn, your parents didn’t know you are meta?” he asked in shock

“Nope,” Marcel said, popping the p.

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