Chapter 5

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When Marcel entered his room he expected to see Max sleeping in his bed, Not all of the group waiting for him.

“Uuuh?” Marcel awkwardly looked at the group who were staring at him.

“I explained about your black whip and our mind link, but can you please tell me why I felt you panicking earlier.” Marinette raised an eyebrow.

“Mm” Marcel rubbed the back of his head “someone surprised me, and I may have punched him in the face.” he looked away fully knowing what their reaction would be.

“Again!!” Chloe exclaimed as she started laughing, It was a known fact that If Marcel was deep in thought and someone surprised him, his first reaction is to attack and think later.

“Who was it this time?” Max asked “Your expression is saying it wasn’t just a random stranger”

Marcel smiled awkwardly.

“Was it a villain?” Marinette asked.

“No.” he answered as he made his way to his bed.

“Someone famous?” Chloe looked at him with expecting eyes.

“Technically yes.”

“So you met one of the bats.” Max said as a statement not a question.

Marcel sighed as he fell on his bed. “Yeah it was Red Hood, he sneaked up on me and I instantly munched him, released a smokescreen and started running.”

Marinette was staring at him. “Zu, which file did you give them?”

Chloe whipped her head towards marinette “which one? As you got more than one?”

“Yeah we have multiple” Marcel decided to use the chance to tease Chloe a bit. “I thought they gave you more than one, didn't they?” he asked.

Chloe and Maw shook their heads, “we have one file, we checked it and there is a powerpoint in it about the most dangerous Akumas like siren.” Max answered.

Marinette, reading what her brother was doing, decided to join “I guess they just trust us more.”

Chloe pouted “ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. If she trusts you that much, why did you never get a miraculous?” she tried to argue.

Marcel smirked, enjoying the teasing “who said we didn’t?”.

“All heroes of Paris minus Ladybug, Multimouce and Chat noir had their identity exposed. Either you are Ladybug and Multimouce and yes I refuse to associate Marcel to that stray cat, or you fought against akumas that was never reported.” Max frowned as he couldn’t find any information about any new heroes.

“You are correct” Marinette clapped her hand, but the next second her expression was distorted. As tears started falling from her eyes.

The room grew silent as Marcel stood up and hugged his sister, he picked her up and cuddled with her on the bed as she silently cried on his chest.

“Max, open the outer pocket of my bag and take one of the White USBs.” Marcel ordered not wanting to be the one to explain what happened.

Max did as ordered and opened the file while Marcel was comforting his sister.

It was a silent twenty minutes as Max and Chloe read the whole report on Chat Blanc, there were some false information like the number of deaths of Marcel and Marinette. The truth is the real number of deaths is the sum of both of their identities, or the fact that both Multimouce and Marcel were the same person, the same with Marinette and Ladybug.

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