Chapter 6

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The group of six walked out of the hotel leaving the rest of the class who were busy looking for the one that attacked Adrien.

“I don’t understand why you distracted me? If I saw him I would have broken his legs and I wouldn’t get in any trouble.” Marcel whined at Max.

“Yes you could, but that would have made you uncomfortable which is unacceptable. And I also don’t need to worry about getting in trouble since I know you would blackmail them if they tried.” Max answered with a cheeky smile.

“Come on Marbear just forget it, we didn’t need that bastard ruining our day.” Chloe scoffed as hugged his arm, Damian was walking beside them silently.

Marinette chuckled, she was thankful as she didn’t want to even see Adrien’s face. And she knew that  Marcel also gets uncomfortable near Adrien since he reminds him of trauma both from his past life and this life. She is glad that their friends do their best to keep them away from the stray cat.

“So Pixie-pop, should we go to the nearby shopping center or somewhere else?” Jason asked as threw a hand around her shoulder. They were a bit farther than the group so the rest couldn’t hear their conversation.

“Well I need to shop for some fabric, but I guess we could get some Coffee first.” Marinette yawned.

“Didn’t get much sleep yesterday?” Jason asked concerned, they already talked about this in the meeting but they were all worried about the twin’s mental health. Jason precisely was very worried, he knew what it feels to die once and he loathed it.

“Yeah, stupid nightmares” Marinette said with a slight frown.

“Heard that talking about them to someone usually helps” Jason gave her an encouraging smile.

“I would love to share, but If I minded, I would need to explain all of Paris‘s situation so you would understand.” she responded shrugging.

Jason pointed at Chloe who was busy talking with Max and Marcel who was talking to Damian. “Well It seems that you have more than enough time to fill me in on the details.”

Marinette sighed and thought that there's no harm in telling him. “Ok I will tell you, around three years ago. A super villain showed up in Paris” seeing that Jason was seriously paying attention to her story she continued.

“He can use a butterfly as a transmitter to give people who have negative emotions powers, the problem is that he possesses them at the same time and forces them to do their dirty work, people who are possessed are called Akumas”  Marinette exclaimed angrily.

“So he can use any kind of negative emotions or just some specific ones?” Jason asked, letting his sister pour her out and gaining information about Paris’s situation at the same time killing two birds with one stone.

“He can use any kind of negative emotion to possess people : anger, embarrassment, jealousy, grief. At one point the bastard used the grief of a pregnant woman who lost her child to create a strong Akuma because the stronger the negative emotion the stronger the power the person will hold.” Marinette said between gritted teeth.

She still  remembers ‘baby collector’ the akuma wanted to revive her child, but since everything has a price the power Hawkmoth gave her had conditions to work. To revive her baby she had to consume thousands of hearts of other children. Hawk Moth lost control of the Akuma as her feelings for her child were too strong for him. The Akuma was strong and it took eight hours for them to beat her, in those eight hours the akuma wasn’t even trying to fight them but was focused on gathering enough hearts to revive her child.

The Akuma was strong. If not for the fact that it was only targeting children and was ignoring everything else, even the heroes who were trying to defeat her she would have been a true disaster. Thankfully her dismissing the heroes gave them the chance they needed to defeat her.

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