Chapter 12

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Tim didn’t know what to expect when he entered the manor with Bruce. But he never expected Jason and Damian to be sitting next to each other reading a notebook while Marcel explained something to them.

Dick was playing against Marinette on the PlayStation and he seemed to be losing.

Tim looked at his father who was just as surprised as him.

Tim watched as his father walked towards the twin, and he followed.

Damian, Jason and Dick noticed them and soon the twin also noticed them.

Tim noticed a glint pass in Marcel’s eyes as he looked at Bruce. Marcel walked towards them.

“H-hello Mr. W-wayne.” the boy stuttered in greeting. “I w-wanted t-t-to thank you f-for allowing m-me and my s-sister to s-stay in y-your home” the boy blushed and Tim swear he heard Jayson snort.

Tim saw Bruce freeze, it was funny seeing how Marcel was full of confidence when he met them as bats and when he was attacked and how he acted like a stuttering shy boy towards Bruce Wayne.

“Please just call me Bruce.” Bruce smiled at him. “There was no problem at all, I couldn’t let you go to that neglectful teacher after  she left you alone multiple times, and just after you were attacked.”

Marcel’s blush deepened “B-but still T-thank you, I-i don’t k-know h-how to repay your k-kidness.”

Bruce stared at him, he was honestly impressed with his son. The way he changed his whole demeanor from a boy full of confidence and strong presence to a shy stuttering boy who looked like he just wanted to disappear from existence.

He reminded him of Clark, the man did the same. Acted as a shy reporter who you could overlook easily as Clark and the confident, strong and capable man that you can count on as superman.

Bruce smiled brightly at him and patted him on his shoulder “Then can you tell me about your powers, I heard from dick that they are quite powerful and honestly I am quite curious.”

“S-sure” Marcel stuttered and hid behind Marinette who came to greet.

“Hello Mr. Wayne, sorry for my brother as he is shy around new people and thank you for your hospitality” Marinette greeted with a smile.

“Bruce is fine, Miss Marinette, and as I said there is no need to thank me.” Bruce smiled, “This is Timothy , my son.”

“Hi” he greeted and Marinette looked him in the eyes exactly at the bags under his eyes.

“Coffee for life?” she asked, holding out her hand.

He stared at her for a second before nodding and shaking her hand “Coffee for life.”

“No.” Bruce and Marcel spoke at the same time with a stern voice.

The two looked at each other for a second as Jason started laughing his ass off.

“OMG! HAHAHA ” Dick chuckled while Damian kept a neutral face.

The two looked and acted so much alike that it was funny.

Marcel sighed and bonked Marinette’s head. “Mari we talked about this, you need sleep.”

“Sleep for the weak.” she murmured as she rubbed her head.

“If you don’t sleep I will take away your sewing kit for a week” he warned her.

“Fine,” she pouted.

“Tim, we talked about this.” Bruce sighed and Tim just shrugged.

“What is that?” Tim asked, pointing at the notebook as Bruce sighed and excused himself to change into more comfortable clothes.

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