Chapter 15

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Marinette was bored, Marcel went out to look for the miraculous with Jon and she stayed with her other siblings.

Tim had to go to the company and Damian went to class and she was stuck with Dick and Jason.

“So Blueberry.” Dick said as he poked Marinette “tell us more about yourself.” He asked, trying to learn more about his new sister.

“Sure, but I also want to learn more about the family.” Marinette smiled at him “so how about we make it fun.”

“What do you have in mind, Pixie?” Jason raised an eyebrow.

“We will play never have I ever.” Marinette smiled mischievously.

“Sure, so what are the rules?” Dick asked.

“Since we obviously can’t let Pixie drink, each of us will have twenty points the first to Zero loses.” Jason shrugged.

“Sure” Marinette agreed “Jayjay you start.”

“Mm,never have I ever twerked in the middle of the fight.” Jason smirked at Dick, who's ears turned bright red.

“Hey! That was one time!” Dick lost a point. 19

“No way! What exactly happened?” Marinette gasped and looked at Dick for information. 20

“It was a joke!” Dick shouted.

“You did it three different times! I know that you are proud of your ass but that is disgusting to watch.” Jason laughed at him.20

“You know what, never have I ever died.” Dick  grinned at him. 20

“Low blow Dickie.” Jason grumbled. 19

“Really low.” Marinette grumbled too. 19

“Never have I ever been a robin” she smirked in victory at them. 19

“Nice one, Blueberry” Dick looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 18

“Really pixie?” Jason looked unimpressed. 18

Marinette shrugged. 19

“Never have I ever had sex with more than 5 different girls” Jason grinned.

“Now you are just targeting me.” Dick grumbled. 17

“Your fault for sleeping with every girl you see.”  Jason shrugged. 18

“So Dick is a womanizer?” Marinette tilted her head. 19  

“He flirts with everyone.” Jason grinned at him.

“I do not!” Deck denied.

“Do too, do you want me to count them? Heck you even flirted with Clark when he didn’t recognize you in your nightwing costume the first time.” Jason accused and Marinette’s eyes widened.

“That time was a joke! Like hell would I date someone as old as B.” Dick snapped.

“So you flirt with everyone?” Marinette asked.

“It helps distract my opponent.” Dick confessed. “Never have I ever died a virgin.” he grinned at Jayson.

“Really Dick.”  Jason glared at him.17

“Oh man.” Marinette grumbled 18 “never have I ever had sex.” she smirked.

“That is a good one.” Dick ruffled her hair. 16

“You seem to be winning pixie, we should probably start getting into magical stuff shouldn’t we?” Jason grinned evilly at her. 16

“We should.” Dick grinned as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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