Chapter 13

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Marcel was staring at his phone as he read the summary of what happened from the class perspective.

Bustier will be going back  to Paris to deal with the mess Marcel put her in and the school board will be reevaluating her teaching skills. Mrs. Mendeleiev was chosen to replace her on the trip and she will be arriving tomorrow.

Lila tried to spread rumors that Marinette was working with Scarecrow and in the end  nobody believed her as their friends defended them and Chloe  exposed how they only escaped because they acted as a distraction.

Marcel rubbed his forehead and looked at the letter that was sitting on his bed, it had a blue Rabbit sticker on it and he knew what that meant. Bunnix left them a message.

Marcel groaned, the only reason for her to leave a letter is either an apocalypse level akuma will show up, or that an Akuma with time traveling abilities will show up.

He picked up the letter and opened it.  There were only three words in it.

< Akuma, Metropolis, soon. End >

Marcel frowned at the lack of information, but he knew that Bunnix gave them as much information as possible without causing trouble in the future.

Marcel wanted to bang his head on the wall.

Marcel inhaled and calmed himself down. ‘Let’s analyze what we have.’

First, Hawk Moth will move to Metropolis since he can’t use his miraculous in Paris.

Marcel grinned viciously, good now with the help of Batman. They will be able to get his identity, all they have to do is check who came to Metropolis from Paris and see if any of the suspects are there.

Second, since Bunnix warned them, that means the Akuma will either cause too much damage or will have the ability to mess with time like Timetagger so they need to be ready.

Marcel needs to make sure whatever power the Akuma will have. Marinette must never get hit as she is the only one that can reverse all of the damage.


That word can have two meanings, either that the Akuma will be too strong to the point it can end their world but that isn’t it, if that is the case Bunnix would have shown herself instead of sending a message. Then the meaning is obvious: this is their last battle against Hawk Moth.

“Haaa.” He sighed.

Soon, he tells himself. Soon they will catch him once and for all.

Marcel sent a message telling him to keep a look for anyone that will go to Metropolis from Paris.


Bruce didn’t know how things escalated this fast, first they found out that Paris was under attack for three years without the knowledge of the JL.

Second he finds out that not only that he has two children that he didn’t know existed, but he also finds out that they are involved and targeted by the villain in more ways than he expected.

And now, he finds out his new youngest son has a power that gives him cellular damage.

Bruce rubbed his forehead, he hoped Clark won’t be bringing any bad news and just be visiting.

“Master Bruce,” Alfred called  “Master Clark and Jon are here.”

“Haa” he sighed and walked down stairs where Clark and his son were waiting.

“B!” Clark hugged him, It is another thing Bruce found weird. After Clark and Lois divorced, he became more touchy with him, not that he minds.

“I hope I didn’t interrupt anything by coming suddenly,” Clark said as he broke the hug.

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