Chapter 33

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Nath's POV

I guess that I should have listened to myself when I decided that Bard's idea will be bad, but I guess that it's too late to for that now.

Were decided to come to the clearing, which is near the pack lands.

It has a lot of big rocks, and not many people know about it, but I definitely like this clearing, so I wanted to come here again.

But if I knew what will happen, then I would never agree to go that.

"We have to run before they will be there." I tell him, and he nods, so that what we do.

I can't believe that the hunters decided to come here when we wanted to hang out.

But I guess that it because I'm here with Bard, and he often unintentionally gets himself in trouble.

Thankfully, the hunters still can't see us, but we can hear that they're not far from us.

It takes us about two minutes to get out of the clearing, because we have to jump on the rocks, and it seems that it was enough time for the hunters to reach us.

I can hear that they're talking about us, so I'm sure that they noticed us, but we don't stop running, and we actually manage to run into the woods, so I let out a sigh of relief.

But it seems that I did that too quickly, because right after I do that, I can hear that someone's shooting, and Bard hisses in pain almost right after that.

I look at him, and I can see that his tight is bleeding, but I'm sure that this won't kill him.

"We have to shift, and run to the pack house." I say, and he nods in agreement, so that's what we do.

We pass the warriors who are running in the direction that the noise came from, but we don't stop to talk with them, and we run the rest of the way to the pack house.

I would have told them what's going on, but I know that they're already assuming that the hunters are attacking us, so I didn't want to stop or distract them.

When we reach the pack house, I can see that Logan and Devonte are taking with a few guards, but I lead Bard inside of the pack house, so he can see the doctor.

"What happened to him?" Devonte asks me a while later, when he comes into the pack hospital .

I tell him what happened, and he scolds me a bit, but I'm sure that my mate will be a lot angrier at me than him.

It doesn't take long before the doctor come here, and he lets me see my friend.

"How are you?" I ask him.

"I'm fine." He says.

I look a to his leg, and I can see that it has a bandage on it, but it clean, so I'm pretty sure that the wound already started to heal.

"I'm going to get scolded by my mate, when he will find out about this." I tell him, which makes him chuckle.

"Don't let him kill you." He tells me, and I just roll my eyes.

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