Chapter 50

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Sven's POV

"It's not fair that you're better at this, because I like it more." Nath tells me, and when I look at his target, I can see that he only manged to shoot at it a few times, while mine if full with holes.

"I'm sure that you will get better at this eventually." I assure him, before I stand next to him, and I shot at his target.

The bullet makes a hole near the middle of the target, and Nath glares at me before he decides to try to shoot again.

I look at his arm when he's doing it, and I smile when he manages to make a hole in the target again.

"I guess that I just had to show you how to do that." I tell him.

"The hole is nowhere near the middle." He tells me, and I shrug.

"It's good that it's on the paper." I tell him, and he shake his head right away.

"It's good when it's near the middle, and if it doesn't even reach the target then it's terrible." He tells me.

I guess that he's kind of right, so I don't argue with him, even though I want to do that.

"We will have to take the kids back in a few minutes." I say, a long while later.

"Let's go then." He says, and he has a smile on his face despite the fact that I told him that we have to leave.

I guess that he just had to be away from the kids for a while, but he still didn't have enough of them, because he's way too happy to see them.

I sigh tiredly, because I know that I will have to take care of the kids again, and Nath chuckles when he sees my tired expression.

"You really don't like those kids." He tells me, and I shrug.

"I like them, but they're making me tired very quickly." I say.

Were leave the guns where we found them, and then I lock the room, before we go upstairs to give Logan the keys, and to take the kids back.

When we walk inside of the house, I can hear that you younger brothers and my parents are in the living room, so I decide to see what they're doing.

"Hey." Papa says, and he looks like he's happier than he usually is, so I frown.

"What are you this happy?" I ask him.

"Because I can finally give you this." He says, and he shows me two keys.

"Which means that you will be able to take your kids out of here, and we will finally be able to sleep for a whole night." Gaston tells me happily.

I chuckle slightly, before I taks the keys from Papa.

"Thanks." I say, before I look at Nath.

"Do you want to go there today?" I ask him, but he shake his head.

"We have to pack first, and the kids are already tired, so I don't want to drag them through the woods now." He tells me.

"I guess that you will have to survive one more night with us." I say to my family.

This make some of them groan, but the others aren't bothered by this.

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