Chapter 8

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Sven's POV

"Kind of. But I won't be able to travel as much as I do now, since I will have to be in the pack lands almost all the time, so I will be in my house everyday.

And this also means that I will be able to find something who will help me with my work which will give me a lot more free time.

Now we have to do what my father wants us to do, but soon we will be able to plan out our schedule." He tells me with a happy smile.

"I'm sure that your sons are excited about this." Sven says, before we walk out of the pack house .

"They don't know anything yet. No one other then you and a few people from our pack knows, so don't tell anyone about this." Logan says.

Then he looks at Jackson and Benjamin, so they quickly assure him that they won't say anything.

We spend a few hours together, but then we decide to go back to the pack house, because I can see that Logan, Henry and Sven are tired.

"Can I go to my apartment today?" I ask Benjamin, and I really hope that he will agree, because I don't want to stay in the pack hospital any longer.

Especially not if my mate will be in thsi pack house too.

"Well, you already healed, so I guess that you don't have to be there." He tells me, which makes me smile happily.

"Thanks. You're my second favourite person now." I tell him, but it only makes him glare at me.

"Who was the first before now?" He asks me with a half playful angry expression.

Which make my mate laugh slightly, then I look at Jackson, before I try to come up with something to says.

"I only had one before." I say, hoping that he will believe me, but he only glare at Jackson who has an amused smile on his face.

"I guess that I can forgive you for that, because I know that you have problems with memory, and you must have forgotten that you like me more than you like Jackson." Benjamin tells me.

I just nod, hoping that this will make him leave me alone, and it works, because a not much later, my friends leave.

So, I make sure that Logan will be able to find the Alpha, because he needs to do that to find out where they will be staying.

And then I take my mate to my apartment.

It's very small, but it's definitely enough for me, and surprisingly it's better than the room that I got at my former pack.

But I still would prefer to live there, because I grew up there, and I would never willingly leave that pack.

"I forgot to take my bag from the car." Sven tells me, and he looks like he's planning to go back outside, but I quickly stop him, and I find a few clothes for him.

"We will get them tomorrow." I say and he decides to not argue with me, so I guess that he's very tired.

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