Chapter 2: First encounters (part 2)

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Airs's POV:

"Sir." I heard, after a small knock on the door.

I sighed, rolling my eyes as I replied.


"We found someone to fill the PA position. We're having her come tomorrow. Is that alright?" James said, standing in front of my door.

Everyone is always bugging me about filling that stupid PA position. Each girl who applies for that position only has one goal in mind and it pisses me off. Getting under me is all any female can think of when they apply for that position.

"You'll do it even if I say no," James smirked a little when I said this, then returned to his normal, calm, and emotionless jesters.

"You fired the last one and that PA position has to be filled," James said,

"Go ahead." I sighed, turning my chair around.

"Okay. Her name is-" I quickly cut him off, already annoyed.

"Yeah, honestly I don't even want to know."

"Oh. Then I guess you'll find out tomorrow." James sighed,

I nodded, signaling him to leave and close my door. It was already late and I wanted to get out of this office.

It was a bit chilly outside but I liked the strong winds. I want to go straight home but for some odd reason, I had a random sweet tooth. I guess it's time to pay a visit to Brisk's.

As always, when I enter Brisk's it's as packed as a Monday morning. I quickly walked up to the counter and ordered my usual black coffee. I wait by the counter as these two blondes walk into the store. One was tall and one was short. I saw them staring at me almost instantly.


I know that type of look very well. I get it from all the girls. It's a pain to deal with so many desperate females.

Another girl walks in not long after those two blondes. She has long, curly brunette hair and freckles only scattered around her nose, but that's not what caught my attention at all. It was her eyes. Her eyes didn't scream desperately for my attention, she didn't even glance at me once. She looked almost exotic, not to mention the color of her eyes. The right one was blue and the left one was green.

Her outfit seemed to match my style perfectly. A black turtleneck, a long dark-brown coat, black jeans, a brown and white plaid scarf, and brown knee-high boots.

Interesting, this was the first time I took an interest in anyone else since, Haley. I even hate thinking about that bitch.

"Do you see him over there? He is so fine and I heard that he works for that business in upstate New York." I heard the tall ugly blonde say, as she pointed to me.

I roll my eyes, but notice instantly that I have just caught the attention of someone very special. Perfect.

She looks at those blonde girls and then looks back over at me. Her eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off them.

"Should I ask for his number?" I heard from that blonde again.

"Ask for me too." The short one says a little too aggressively.

"Okay, okay." The tall one says, walking over to me.

I already start to sigh, wishing I walked out sooner.

"Excuse me." The tall blonde says in a high-pitched voice.

And the sigh turns into an internal punch in my gut. I really should've walked away.

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