Chapter 9: Forbidden Kisses

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Nerya's POV:

As I wake up the next morning, my head is still spinning from the events of last night. The memory of kissing my boss, Airs, sends a jolt of panic through me. What came over me? How could I have let things go that far?

I try to push the memories away, blaming it on the alcohol. But deep down, I know that's not an excuse. I crossed a line, and now I have to face the consequences.

My heart is swirling with a mix of emotions—guilt, confusion, and a hint of something else that I can't quite place. I've always admired Airs, respected him as a boss and a mentor. But now, everything feels different.

I can't shake the feeling that I've jeopardized everything—the professional relationship we had, my job, even my reputation. What if Airs sees me differently now? What if he regrets what happened?

I try to focus on getting ready for work, pushing aside the nagging thoughts and the lingering taste of regret. But no matter how hard I try to distract myself, the memory of that kiss keeps coming back, haunting me like a shadow.

"Just get it out of your head." I tell myself.

"It was drunken mistake."

"I was drunk." But no matter how many times I said those words it never made it any better.


As I make my way to work, the early morning light casting long shadows on the sidewalk, I can feel the familiar rush of adrenaline building inside me. It's a routine I've grown accustomed to—arriving at the office before anyone else, eager to tackle the day's tasks with precision and efficiency.

But today feels different. Today, as I step into the building, the air crackles with tension, and my heart begins to race. Something about the way the morning light filters through the windows, casting a golden glow over the sleek corridors, sends a shiver down my spine.

Before I can even settle into my usual routine, a message comes through, summoning me to Airs's office. My pulse quickens, and a knot forms in my stomach. What could he want with me so early in the morning?

Trying to quell the rising sense of apprehension, I make my way to his office, each step feeling heavier than the last. The sound of my own heartbeat echoes in my ears, a steady drumbeat of anticipation and uncertainty.

As I reach his door, I hesitate for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. Then, with a sense of resolve, I push it open and step inside, bracing myself for whatever awaits me on the other side.

"Yes?" I say calmly, breathing in and out.

"Close the door." Airs says sharply, as he straightens out his suit.

I quickly close the door my heart starts to pound too fast for comfort.

"Come closer, Vanerya." He says my name slow and I swear it's like my entire body is carving whatever it is he has.

I walk closer to his desk. "Did you need something?"

"You're somebody I wanna get to know." Airs said completely ignoring my question.

"I need to keep this professional." I pushed out, my heart still pounding.

"We crossed that path the night you kissed me back."

"I was drunk." I said in defense.

"And now you're not."

"Say the words, Vanerya and I'll be yours." Those words ran through me like a knife in the back.

What could I even say? What should I say? This was entirely too overwhelming too much to handle, too much to process.

"You're the boss. Aren't you supposed to be in control."

"Is that what you want?" Airs glanced up at me, a smirk creeping up on his face.

I stood there for a moment. My heart beating faster than my body could process.

Was this it? Was this my moment? I could say no, I really needed to say no, but my body, my heart, hell, every part of my being was already saying yes. So say yes. Do I say yes, do I make this something I can't walk out from?

I better not regret this.


"Then come here." His words ran through me like a tidal wave, my heart wouldn't stop racing.

I walked slow, his eyes trailing my body like a hungry beast. His eyes pierced through mines, his lust driving my insides wild.

"Airs.." I stumbled on my word, my eyes no longer meeting his.

My heart races as I stand in Airs' office, his gaze burning into me like a hungry beast. Airs' commanding voice breaks the tense silence, instructing me to come closer. Every instinct tells me to resist, but I can't move, paralyzed by the intensity of his stare.

Before I can react, Airs rises from his chair and strides over to me, his movements confident and purposeful. He grabs my hips firmly, pulling me closer to him, and in that moment, I can feel the heat radiating from his body, igniting a fire within me.

As our lips meet in a passionate kiss, my entire body responds, every nerve ending alive with desire. He guides me onto his desk, the smooth surface cool against my skin, as our embrace deepens and our bodies press together in a desperate frenzy.

Locked in this moment of raw intensity, I lose myself in Airs's touch, surrendering to the electric connection between us as our desires collide, consuming us both in a whirlwind of passion and longing.

Airs' hands gripped my lower back and I could tell this was going to turn into more than just a kiss. His lips trialed down my neck as I let out a small whimper.

My heart races as Airs pulls me close, his lips meeting mine in a kiss that ignites a fire within me. It's intense, passionate, and for a moment, everything else fades away as we lose ourselves in each other.

But as quickly as it began, the kiss comes to an end, and I find myself pulling back, my breath coming in ragged gasps. I can feel the heat of Airs's gaze on me, his eyes searching mine with an intensity that sends a shiver down my spine.

"Airs wait."

"I... I need to tell you something," I whisper, my voice barely above a whisper as I struggle to find the words.

He looks at me, his expression softening with concern. "What is it, Vanerya?"

Taking a deep breath, I steel myself for what comes next. "I'm a virgin," I admit, the words hanging in the air between us like a weight.

Airs's eyes widen slightly, but he doesn't pull away. Instead, he reaches out, gently cupping my face in his hands. "Thank you for telling me," he says softly. "And thank you for trusting me."

I nod, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "I just... I don't want to rush into anything, Airs. I want us to be sure of what we both want before we take things any further."

He smiles, a warm, reassuring smile that sends butterflies fluttering in my stomach. "I understand, Vanerya. And I want the same thing. I want more from you than just a professional relationship."

Before I can respond, he leans in and kisses me once more, a tender and lingering kiss that speaks volumes without a single word.

My head starts to beat, a hundred thoughts running around. I kissed him and I like it and I wasn't drunk. I made out with him in his office.

My heart began to beat again, what was becoming of me. What was this man doing to me?

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