Chapter 21: Dark secrets and lies (part 2)

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Airs' POV:

My heart raced as I approached Vanerya's apartment. Something didn't feel right. I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at my insides. And then, as I reached her door, my worst fears were realized.

There she lay, crumpled on the floor, her once vibrant spirit now replaced by a haunting stillness. Blood pooled around her, staining the floor in a gruesome tableau. Panic seized me, gripping me in its icy embrace as I stumbled forward, my mind reeling with disbelief.

The image of Vanerya lying on the floor, blood pooling around her body, is seared into my mind like a brand. It's a sight that stops me dead in my tracks, sending a surge of panic coursing through my veins. My heart clenches in my chest, a heavy weight pressing down on me as I struggle to comprehend what I'm seeing.

I rush forward, my movements fueled by desperation and fear. Each step feels like an eternity as I close the distance between us, my mind racing with a million thoughts and fears. Is she okay? What happened? How could this have happened?

I drop to my knees beside her, heedless of the blood staining the floor beneath me. I reach out to touch her, to shake her awake, but she doesn't respond. Her skin is pale, her breathing shallow and labored. Panic threatens to consume me as I realize the severity of her condition.

"Vanerya," I call out, my voice trembling with emotion. "Vanerya, can you hear me?"

But there's no response, no flicker of recognition in her eyes. She lies before me, unmoving and silent, as if she's been ripped from the world of the living. The sight of her like this, so still and lifeless, fills me with a sense of dread unlike anything I've ever felt before.

"Vanerya, please. You can't leave me. I didn't get to tell you how I feel. I love you." My heart was beating too fast for comfort. I couldn't think of anything else. Just the image of Vanerya.

I reach out to touch her face, to brush the hair away from her eyes, but my hand trembles uncontrollably. The reality of the situation crashes down on me like a tidal wave, threatening to drown me in despair. I can't lose her, not like this. Not when there's still so much left unsaid between us.

"Please, Vanerya," I plead, my voice cracking with emotion. "Don't leave me. Stay with me."

But she remains silent, her eyes closed as if in peaceful slumber. The sight of her lying there, so fragile and vulnerable, breaks my heart into a million pieces. I can't bear to see her like this, to know that she's suffering because of me.

I reach for my phone, my hands shaking as I dial for help. The sound of the dispatcher's voice is a lifeline in the darkness, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. I tell them what's happened, begging them to send help as quickly as possible.

As I wait for the ambulance to arrive, I stay by Vanerya's side, refusing to leave her alone in her moment of need. I whisper words of comfort, of reassurance, even though I know she can't hear me. I can only hope that somehow, someway, she knows that I'm here.

When the paramedics finally arrive, I step back to give them room to work, my heart heavy with worry. I watch helplessly as they rush to her side, their movements swift and efficient. They work tirelessly to stabilize her, to save her life, and I can only pray that they succeed.

As they load her onto the stretcher and rush her away, I feel a sense of emptiness wash over me. The apartment feels cold and lifeless without her presence, and I'm filled with a deep sense of longing to hold her in my arms once more.

But as I watch the ambulance disappear into the distance, I know that my journey is far from over. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that Vanerya pulls through, to fight for her with every fiber of my being. Because she's not just my assistant, not just someone I care about, but because I love her.

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