Chapter 5: Hangover (part 2)

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Nerya's POV:

I woke up with a pounding headache and a sense of disorientation. The unfamiliar surroundings didn't help; it took me a moment to realize I was at Airs' place. My boss's place. Memories of the previous night were fuzzy, but I remembered enough to know I'd gotten too drunk at the bar and he'd brought me here to keep me safe. Nothing happened, but the situation was still far from professional.

Getting ready for work was a blur, and the ride to the office was filled with a suffocating mix of anxiety and embarrassment. How was I supposed to act normal today? How could I face Airs after everything I'd said and done last night?

As his personal assistant, I knew I had to keep it together. He had a full schedule of meetings, and it was my job to make sure everything ran smoothly. But every time I thought about seeing him, my heart raced and my stomach churned. I blamed it all on the hangover, hoping that the discomfort in my body was masking my emotional turmoil.

When I arrived at the office, I went straight to my desk, avoiding eye contact with anyone. I buried myself in work, trying to focus on the tasks at hand. The first meeting of the day was in twenty minutes, and I needed to prepare the conference room and make sure all the materials were ready.

I felt him before I saw him. Airs walked into the office, commanding the space with his presence as always. I glanced up briefly, our eyes meeting for a split second before I looked away. He seemed as composed as ever, but I could feel the tension in the air.

"Good morning, Vanerya," he said, his voice calm and steady. "Are we ready for the first meeting?"

"Yes, everything is set," I replied, trying to keep my voice level. "The conference room is prepared, and the documents are on the table."

"Good," he said, giving me a nod. "Let's make sure everything runs smoothly today."

As the morning progressed, we kept running into each other. In the hallway, in the break room, in the conference room. Each encounter was a test of my composure. I kept telling myself to stay professional, to focus on my duties, but it was hard to ignore the way my heart sped up every time he was near.

It had to be the hangover. That was it. It wasn't anything more than that. Right?

During one of the breaks between meetings, I went to grab a coffee. I was hoping to have a moment to collect myself, but Airs was already there, fixing himself a cup. I hesitated at the door, considering retreating, but it was too late; he'd seen me.

"Vanerya," he said, his tone softer than it had been earlier. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," I lied, forcing a smile. "Just a little headache."

"Last night was... unexpected," he said, his eyes searching mine. "But I'm glad you're okay."

"Thank you for taking care of me," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate it."

"Anytime," he replied, his gaze intense. "You can always count on me."

I nodded, feeling my cheeks heat up. I quickly made my coffee and escaped back to my desk, my mind in even more turmoil than before. I needed to get through the day without letting my feelings show.

By the afternoon, the hangover had mostly subsided, but my thoughts were still a mess. Every time I saw Airs, I was reminded of how he made me feel—safe, seen, and something more that I didn't want to acknowledge. I tried to push those thoughts away, focusing on the tasks at hand.

The last meeting of the day was wrapping up, and I was going over my notes when Airs walked over to my desk. "Vanerya, could you stay a moment after everyone leaves? I'd like to discuss something."

"Of course," I said, my heart leaping into my throat. What could he possibly want to discuss?

When the room finally cleared, it was just the two of us. Airs closed the door, turning to face me. "I wanted to talk about last night," he began, his expression unreadable. "I know it was a lot, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"I don't," I said quickly. "I mean, it was a bit awkward, but you were just being kind."

He stepped closer, his eyes never leaving mine. "I want you to know that I value your professionalism and your work. But I also want to be honest with you. Last night made me realize that there's something here, between us. And I think you feel it too, but it's early so if we stop now we can squash whatever this is."

My breath caught in my throat. "Airs, I—"

He held up a hand, stopping me. "You don't have to say anything now. I just wanted to be clear. We can keep things strictly professional if that's what you want. But if you're feeling the same way, we can talk about it. When you're ready."


"When you're ready!!" I scream into my pillow. "It's like he knows what's he doing and is tugging at my heart strings!"

"I mean-" I quickly cut her off.

"And Lilly! Are you kidding me! You actually let me go off into the sunset with him when I was drunk!"

"What can I say? I was playing matchmaker." Lilly just laughed, shrugging her shoulders like always.

"He was right about one thing though."

"Yeah?" Lilly seems excited, she even sat up straight, her face all in the camera.

"It's not too late to squash anything type of feelings I have."

"Oh?" Not the response she was hoping for.

"Yup! Tomorrow I'll be entirely professional and once this hangover is gone completely. I'll never think of him like that again. Done, gone, easy, and simple." I was completely prepared to start fresh without any emotional ties.

"Just like that?" Lilly questions, looking at me thought the screen.

"Just like that."

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