Chapter 10: An unpleasant surprise

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Airs' POV:

Kissing Vanerya in my office was electrifying, to say the least. Her lips against mine sent a jolt of desire coursing through me, and for a moment, nothing else mattered. But as quickly as it began, she pulled back, her breath uneven, her eyes searching mine with a vulnerability that stirred something deep within me.

When she confessed that she was a virgin, I felt a rush of conflicting emotions—surprise, understanding, and a fierce desire to protect her. It took everything in me not to let my own desires cloud my judgment, not to push things further than she was ready for.

As she spoke, her words hung in the air between us, heavy with unspoken meaning. I wanted to reassure her, to tell her that I respected her decision, but the truth was, I was struggling to hold myself back. The intensity of my feelings for her was overwhelming, threatening to consume me in a way I hadn't anticipated.

But I knew I had to be patient, to give her the time and space she needed to come to terms with her own feelings. And as much as it pained me to admit it, I knew that rushing things would only do more harm than good.

So, I forced myself to take a step back, to give her the space she needed to process everything. And as she looked at me with those uncertain eyes, I knew that despite the overwhelming desire that pulsed between us, I had to be the one to hold myself back—for both our sakes.

After that intense moment with Vanerya, I tried to carry on with my day as usual, but her presence lingered in my mind like a haunting melody. Every time I caught sight of her, my gaze lingered a little too long, my thoughts consumed by the memory of her lips against mine. I wanted to pull her close, to claim her as mine, but I knew I had to hold myself back.

Throughout the day, I caught glimpses of Vanerya, and each time, it felt like a magnetic pull drawing me towards her. But I resisted, reminding myself of the boundaries we had to respect.

As the workday drew to a close, I was lost in my thoughts when Vanerya entered my office. She seemed hesitant, her eyes betraying a hint of uncertainty.

Before I could say anything, she spoke, her voice trembling slightly. "Someone's here to see you, Airs."

Curious, I followed her out of the office and into the reception area. And that's when I saw her—Haley, my ex, standing there with a smirk on her face that made my blood boil.

Instantly, a wave of anger washed over me, threatening to consume me in its fiery grip. I hated Haley more than anyone, and the sight of her standing there, as if she owned the place, filled me with a rage unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

But even as my fists clenched at my sides, I forced myself to stay calm, to push down the storm of emotions raging inside me. I couldn't let Haley see how much she affected me, couldn't let her know that she still had the power to unsettle me after all this time.

With a forced smile, I approached her, my voice steady despite the turmoil churning inside me. "Haley, what a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

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