― 07

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| ❛ C H A P T E R . VII ❜ |

As Ruby attempted to signal the DJ to cut off the music, her efforts were in vain as the DJ seemed lost in her own world

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As Ruby attempted to signal the DJ to cut off the music, her efforts were in vain as the DJ seemed lost in her own world. Laughter echoed from the stairs nearby, and my heart sank as I spotted James Beaufort, that insufferable smirk plastered on his face.

Of course, this chaos was his doing. Ruby dashed off to intercept Mr. Lexington in a bid to halt the debacle, but we were both ensnared in the unfolding spectacle.

With determined strides, I made my way through the crowd, the sharp clicks of my heels punctuating my anger.

"Hey! Turn the music off!" I yelled, desperation lacing my voice. Frantically gesturing to the DJ, I implored her to heed my plea.

Finally, the music ceased, but James sauntered down from the stairs with his entourage, his presence a looming reminder of the havoc he'd wrought.

I seized his hand, forcing him to meet my gaze. "You know how many people worked their asses off for this party?" I seethed, my anger barely contained.

His flippant response stoked the flames of my fury. "If I can't make your friend keep her mouth shut, then I'll make sure no one believes her when she opens it," he declared.

My father's presence loomed large in my mind, threatening to consume me. I fought to suppress the tears that threatened to spill, but one escaped.

James reached out as if to offer comfort, but I recoiled, slapping his hand away with a mixture of anger and hurt.

Before the tension could escalate further, Mr. Sutton intervened. "Lexington wants to speak to you both," he announced, his expression tinged with concern. With a heavy heart, I followed him, knowing that consequences awaited us both.

⋅˚₊‧ ★ ‧₊˚ ⋅

Inside Headmaster Lexington's office, I felt a flush of embarrassment wash over me, unable to meet his gaze as he began to address us.

"You both disappointed me this evening," he started, his disappointment visible in the air, his eyes shifting between James and me.

The headmaster's stern words cut through the tension. "You can cut it out with the smugness, Mr. Beaufort," he admonished, his tone sharp. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at James, who seemed unfazed by the reprimand.

"You were seen paying the DJ," Mr. Lexington continued, his gaze fixed squarely on James. My eyes flickered towards him, a mixture of frustration and resignation clouding my expression.

A heavy silence hung in the air as the headmaster delivered his judgment. "You are suspended from the Lacrosse Team," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

Then, his gaze shifted to me, and I braced myself for the consequences of James's reckless actions. "I won't be writing Miss Bell's recommendation letter," he announced, his tone regretful but firm.

"I expected you guys to have this event under control," he lamented, his disappointment evident. "As chair of the event committee..."

The weight of his words settled heavily upon me, a silent acknowledgment of our collective failure. "Thanks to Mr. Beaufort's little prank, I can't vouch for the committee's organizational abilities," he concluded, his disappointment palpable.

We exchanged a fleeting glance, a silent acknowledgment of our shared predicament, before Mr. Lexington prompted for any further revelations. "Unless there's something else, I need to know about this situation?"

My resolve hardened as I met his gaze. "No, sir," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil swirling within me.

⋅˚₊‧ ★ ‧₊˚ ⋅

Outside, the hallway was eerily quiet, the bustling energy of the welcoming party now a distant memory. James walked beside me; his usual cocky demeanor replaced by a subdued silence.

I glanced at him briefly, noting the flicker of regret in his eyes before he averted his gaze. I couldn't believe we would have to work with this idiot.

The cold air bit into my skin as I stood outside the school, a shiver running down my spine. My breath misted in front of me, a visible testament to the tension that hung thick in the air.

"Iris," came the stern voice from behind, causing my heart to skip a beat. I turned slowly, dread pooling in the pit of my stomach.

Footsteps echoed on the gravel, and relief flooded through me as I saw my brothers sprinting towards us, concern etched on their faces. Their presence offered a glimmer of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume me.

But before I could take another step, a firm grip closed around my arm, yanking me back with a force that stole the breath from my lungs. I stumbled, my balance faltering, only to be caught by James, his arms wrapping around me in a protective embrace.

Recognition flashed in my brother's eyes as they nodded at James, silently acknowledging him. But my father's grip remained unyielding, his fingers digging into my flesh with a painful intensity. I cried out, the sharp pang of agony coursing through me, my pleas falling on deaf ears.

"Father, please," I begged, tears welling in my eyes as I fought against his hold, my struggles futile against his overpowering strength.

Desperation flickered in my gaze as I turned to James, silently pleading for his intervention. His expression softened with empathy, but before he could act, I was torn away, the distance between us growing with each passing moment.

⌗ !! ꒰ 07 ꒱ 🪩

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