{exchanging numbers}

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Taylor's POV:

As I was performing my last song 'karma' I noticed a very tall and brunette man stood with who I assumed was his friends up in the top suite directly in front of me raised up a bit. Who he was? I have no clue but I made a mental note to ask tree maybe she knew who he was, she literally has everyone's contacts so wouldn't be shocked if she at least knew his name. From afar he seemed rather handsome I couldn't point out his features as he was too far away but he seemed to be having a great time which made me happy.

I took the final bow after karma and thanked all my dancers, my backing singers, my band and all my dancers and the rest of the crew who helped make this tour even happen. After I got off the platform that lowered me I ran to my mum who was sat in my hair & makeup room as she had seen the show enough times to not need to see it again, but I was still really appreciative she came. I gave her a really big long hug as i hasn't seen her in a couple of weeks as I was constantly flying around the states and didn't want to force her to come to every show as she already does enough for me.

Andrea: "well done sweetie you were so good like always"

Taylor: "thanks mom"

Andrea: "I'm gonna head back to the hotel as it's getting late sweetie, I love you and I'll call you tomorrow okay"

Taylor: "okay bye mom i love you too"

A couple minutes after my mom left i decided to change because as much as I loved the midnight bodysuit it wasn't like I had anyone to impress since me and Joe had been broken up for about 8 months now. I changed into some gray sweatpants and a short crop top with my denim jacket over the top as it was freezing outside. Then i heard the door knock 3 times quickly then 2 slow knocks which is how i can tell if it's someone i know well or not. "come in" I yelled probably louder than I should have but then the door opened up and I saw tree.

Taylor: "oh hey tree, how are you doing?"

Tree: "I'm great and the show was amazing!, how are you feeling ?"

Taylor: "I'm feeling good actually in fact I'm feeling amazing thank you tree" tree instantly could tell there was something I was thinking of as she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.

Tree: "right get on with it what is making you feel so giddy miss swift" I let out a slight chuckle as she calls me 'miss swift' which she only does when I'm being annoying but as much as I love annoying her she is the reason I still gave a career after that whole Kanye situation. So i tend to spoil her with gifts to make up for my difficulty.

Taylor: "okay sooo basically i saw this super cute guy in a suite with his friend and this other girl at the top and he seemed really funny and looked like he was enjoying himself, soo i was wondering if you may happen to know who he is?"

Tree: "okay may that happen to be the same guy who gave me this bracelet? And his name is Travis Kelce"

Taylor: "kelce? I've heard that name before but i can't figure what for"

Tree: "he's an NFL player well both him and his brother , Jason but he plays for a different team anyway so he gave me this bracelet and wanted me to give it to you i think he put his phone number on it"

Taylor: "shut up! Give me it" i took the bracelet and skimmed over the group of beads that created a phone number that I'm assuming was his and not some random person. "wait this is actually so adorable no one has ever done something like this to get my attention"

Tree: " i know that's why i gave it to you because he actually seemed like an interesting guy he was sweet but nervous, i know you and Joe broke up a while ago so maybe just reach out to him and you might just be better off as friends but you never know Tay and you've been locked up in your apartments and your hotels unless you have rehearsals so maybe it will be good to get out for once"

Taylor: "okay thanks tree I'll think about it in the car on my way back to the hotel"

Tree: "no worries Taylor let me know if there's any issues goodnight"

Taylor: "goodnight tree"

After that I rang up security to pick me up and they arrived without 2 mintues however the car back to the hotel room about 55 mintues so i spent my time wisely. And by wisely i mean looking up everything there was to know about this mysterious NFL player who decided to give me his number.

From what I read he seemed like a half decent guy who was heavily family oriented like me so that was good, he has 2 dogs 'yikes' I jokingly thought to myself I've always been a cat person but you never know. It was around 1am by the time I got home I went to the bathroom to take off my makeup and change into my pj's which of course had cats on. I was absolutely starving so I sent my security out to get my favourite food which of course is chicken tenders. I thought more and more about what tree said about maybe trying to pursue something with Travis, and I must have got lost in my mind doing that.

As i heard a knock which meant my food was here, I thanked my security and took it into my room where I sat and watched Friends. It must have been about 2am I could feel my eyelids drooping shut but not wanting to fully close just yet so I took the opportunity to reach out to Travis so at least I could sleep knowing I'm finally trying to put myself out there like Tree said.

Unknown number: Hey it's Taylor heard you wanted to hand me a bracelet? My publicist Tree told me. I could see you in the suite with your friends seemed like I made your night which was great. Let me know if this is actually Travis otherwise I will hide away forever in embarrassment. 😹😹

I decided it was time to sleep so once I sent the message I put my phone on charge and fell asleep.

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