{too much partying pt1}

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Author's note: this is gonna be a multi-part chapter not sure how many parts probably 2-3 sorry for not posting yesterday basically i wrote like 2000 words and it didn't save 😭😭 so i had to re-write majority of this, so sorry if it's not that good bc I'm so annoyed to write it again.😭😭 part 2 will be posted tomorrow hopefully if i don't accidentally delete it again. 😂

Travis' POV:

I woke up but it wasn't from Taylor's sobs it was from the bright outside of New York i checked my phone '11:43am' Taylor was still fast asleep and she needed this sleep more than anything so i just stayed still and kept her close to me. I could get use to this. I was falling more and more for this girl each and every day.

"Hey you're still here?" Taylor faintly mumbled as she was just waking up. "yeah of course why wouldn't i?" "It's just people tend to get bored of me and my issues and will leave" this poor girl had been through so much and i was not about to become another one of those people. "Well i care about you Tay and i would never leave you, i promise" kissing the top of her head as we both sat up.

"I'm gonna order some food on my phone and it will arrive by lunch time ish so what do you want tay?" shouting across to the en-suite where Taylor was gonna go take a shower. " I'll have whatever you have trav" which meant i was ordering chicken tenders and fries because even if she didn't admit it i know she had been dying to have some recently.

A couple hours had passed and Taylor was in the kitchen making a surprise dinner fr us which i was so excited for i loved her cooking. i decided to just sit on the sofa and go through emails that I'd missed.

Taylor's POV:

tonight i had planned a special date night for me and travis so i told him i was gonna make him a surprise dinner , even if he was like 15 metres away from me right now i made sure he didn't look. just as i was about to put the food in the oven i heard a ringing sound and turns out i was my mom. "Travis my moms calling me so I'll just go somewhere else so I'm not disturbing you" my mom still hadn't met Travis yet she knew we liked eachother but she didn't know he was at my house right now. "Tay it's fine you can stay in the kitchen I've finished with the important stuff anyway" as he said that i accepted my mom's FaceTime call.

"Hey mom! i miss you so much, how's dad and Austin?" "Hi sweetie there great they've gone out to the driving range but they'll be back later what you doing darling, you look rather busy?" My mother asked me "oh um I'm just making dinner" i didn't really need her knowing that Travis was here. "I'm sure it will be delicious, what are you making?" i didn't want to spoil the surprise but i had to say something "Kelce! Cover your ears" i shouted over to Travis who was in the living room and thankfully he didn't turn around he just nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

Hoping my mom hadn't heard me talking to Travis which she definitely did as i yelled across the room. "Kelce?" my mom raised her eyebrows at me " is Travis there" she seemed more interested than worried which was a first as she always get worried about me having a guy over. letting out a small sigh "yes mom he's hear" he still had his ears covered which made me chuckle "I'm cooking his favourite meal tonight, i planned a date night for us and i promised I'd take care of the cooking." "Aww Taylor that's so wonderful now as much as i love to see the kitchen please can i see Travis?" My mom had been bugging me constantly about meeting travis or showing him on call.

walking over i noticed he hadn't removed his hands from his ears i decided to have a little fun "mom I'm gonna scare him okay and then you can speak to him, after we see his reaction." "Taylor don't be horrible to him but do it anyways" me and my mom chuckled. I set my phone up against a vase of flowers and started walking to the back of the sofa when i screamed 'boo!' at him. "Ahhh Taylor what the fu- " he turned around to see my mom laughing at him on call. "Want to finish that sentence mr Kelce " crossing my arms at him with a huge smirk across my face . "You know what tay I'm good thanks" all 3 of us just started laughing.

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