{first impressions}

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8th July 2023

Travis' pov:

I only just realised i was so tired and focused on about Taylor that I forgot to close my curtains as I woke up to the sunlight burning my eyes, so I immediately got up as it didn't seem like I was gonna go back to sleep any time soon. Like every morning I went for a shower once I was out I dried myself off took my phone off of the nightstand where it was and went downstairs to meet Lennon.

As Lennon was getting my good prepared like most mornings I went through all my emails first then any missed calls but then finally I went to check for messages which was where I saw a new message from an unknown number.

Unknown number: Hey it's Taylor heard you made me a bracelet? My publicist Tree told me and gave it to me. I could see you in the suite with your friends seemed like I made your night which was great. Let me know if this is actually Travis otherwise I will hide away forever in embarrassment. 😹😹

"What the actual fuck" I muttered to myself no way was THE Taylor Swift messaging me, of course I wanted to reply but I couldn't shake off the feeling that it was probably Jason or one of the boys. I started typing out a reply and it took me about 13 attempts before I finally sent something back.

Travis: Haha very funny guys, you could have at least made it believable if you chose someone not even remotely close to the fame of Taylor Swift. Now which one of you is it Jason? Pat? You know guys you're already teasing me enough about it but of course you had to take it to the extra level 🙄 .

Taylor's POV:

It was about 9am when I got woken up not because I couldn't sleep in any longer nope. Because 3 hungry kitties wanted their food. "Hey benji" he may or may not be my favourite cat, he was the most calmest unlike Meredith who wanted to kill anyone that walked into my apartment that she didn't know. Cute? no , Scary? absolutely. I didn't have any rehearsals today or plans so I decided today was gonna be bed day as I had no interest in getting out of bed apart from feeding the cats of course. So like usual I checked my phone. I had completely forgot I sent a message to this Travis guy that was until I saw his reply.

Travis 🏈:Haha very funny guys, you could have at least made it believable if you chose someone not even remotely close to the fame of Taylor Swift. Now which one of you is it Jason? Pat? You know guys you're already teasing me enough about it but of course you had to take it to the extra level 🙄 .

Did he really think I was his brother or his friend? Thinking extra hard about what to reply with I decided to take a photo with a message saying;

Unknown number: *image attached*
Well unless Jason or Pat is a crazy cat woman who is right now in bed and is performing on a world tour? Then not really sure what to think. Anyway what are you doing?? 😹

Took about 20 seconds before it said read 9:18am and then I could see then 3 dots indicating that he was gonna reply back.*ping!* that's when I knew he had sent a reply I didn't want to seem like I'd be waiting for it so I left it took a shower and then opened it.

Travis 🏈: Holy shit! Oh my god I'm so sorry Taylor, it's just that my brother and best mate are always making fun of me so I just assumed it was one of them. But you know I could see Pat being a crazy cat lady so it could be him in disguise. Anyway I'm just eating my breakfast at the counter what about you? Got any rehearsals on today?

Travis' POV:

Omg I was so embarrassed I thought Taylor was Jason or Pat well at least I did until she sent me a photo of her. She looked so gorgeous her blonde hair framing around her face slightly curly and her electric blue eyes were piercing through the camera to me. She looked more beautiful than ever but I couldn't get ahead of myself she might not even like me and maybe Tree was just forcing her? Thankfully my overthinking got interrupted by a ping which told me she had her phone right next to her because she replied straight away.

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