{house tour|breaking down}

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Taylor's POV:

"Ahhhh!" I said as I made my way back over to Blake "took your sweet little time so? You guys back together now?" The second Blake said that I just realised we weren't back together as we were never together despite the fact we had kissed but I'll remind myself to potentially bring it up later tonight. "Yeah" i lied "we both realised we were acting like dicks and guess what!" "Oh god Tay this could literally be anything" Blake replied back with a snappy tone "he's coming round to mine after we've both had enough here no offence to you Blake" "is that good idea Taylor we all know where it will lead to" rolling her eyes at me. Knowing what she meant I let out a slight chuckle.

"But he's different Blake i can feel it, honestly I've had more fun this whole month and tonight with Travis than I ever had with Joe in a six year relationship! And i promise you it won't end like that he can always sleep in the guest room" my New York apartment has 3 bedrooms but 1 of them became my studio for when I'm here and want to do music.

"Okay Tay well I hope you have a good time but I'm gonna go now as Ryan is struggling with all the kids but please Tay just be careful and make sure he doesn't force you to do anything you don't want to." "Okay I'll be careful Blake i always am anyway I'll catch up with you later"

It was about 11pm by now and I decided I had had enough and wanted to go home so I walked up to Travis when I heard this guy start to talk to others, and I realised it was the same guy who was at my tour "ayo! Trav your girl is here" I felt the blush instantly rush to my cheeks 'your girl' did he actually talk sweetly about me to his friends or were they just messing about? I was slightly surprised aswell as i had been so use to hearing 'slag' 'whore' 'joe that annoying girl is here' but I shook all the negativity out of my mind as I wasn't with Joe now, I was safe at last.

And then Travis turned around to face me with his green eyes staring into my soul he was so mesmerising I could find myself slipping out of thoughts. "Hellooo earth to Taylor you there" Travis called out as he walked closer to me so we could have a private conversation "huh? Yeah sorry just lost train of thought but I'm back now, anyway 'your girl' am i now?" raising my eyebrows "and who made that decision?" "Me if you're not comfortable with it I won't use it again and I'll talk to the guys" he was such a gentleman and so polite to me. "No trav i love it it's so sweet and I'm ready to head back are you done? I don't mind staying a bit longer if you want" if I'm being honest i didn't want to be here much longer I felt the buzz of the alcohol coming up, which meant I would probably start acting crazy if we didn't leave soon. Which would definitely be embarrassing.

"I'm ready to go aswell Tay I'll call a cab as we've both been drinking if that alright?" "On no it's fine my security team will come pick us up I'll message them now" saying that I got out my phone and messaged my security to come get us. "So how far away is your apartment from here?" "Not that far maybe like 10-15 minutes from here"

*20 minutes later*

After a short, quiet but not an awkward kinda of quiet drive back we finally arrived back at my apartment. "Wow Taylor your apartment looks amazing" travis said as I led him through the door. "Thanks i try to make it look as homey looking as possible" "is this your family?" i walked over to where travis had found himself in the middle of the living room. "Yeah it was from when we use to live on a Christmas tree farm, that Austin my brother" as i pointed to show him "and that's my mom and my dad oh yeah and by the way my mom wants to meet you" i chuckled as i forgot to tell him about it.

"I would love to meet your mom Tay actually in fact my mom said the exact same thing to me, apparently she heard us Face timing once." "My mum would have stolen my phone and would start having a conversation with you" Travis laughter filled the room, I liked when he laughed because it didn't feel like he was forcing it, unlike Joe who never understood me.

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