{losing interest?}

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Travis's POV:

It was about 7pm and Taylor hadn't messaged me at all, I knew she was seeing her mom for lunch but I assumed she would have left by now. I'd eaten and showered and bored out of my mind but I didn't want to bother Taylor by constantly calling her. I ended up calling Jason as he hadn't known anything that had happened after the concert between me and Tay. It was pretty boring I missed Taylor's giggles she'd let out when I'd say a joke and she would try so hard not laugh, god she was so cute. "Alright i gotta go Jason I'll talk to you soon" "no worries man catch up later and I'm happy for you and Taylor let me know how it goes between you" once again I was sat on the couch daydreaming obviously about Taylor.

As I didn't want to bother her by calling I decided to just send a simple message. Which eneded up being multiple

Travis: Heyy what you doing? Is your mom still around at yours? it had been about 40 mintues and still no reply I started to think maybe she was losing interest in me already.

Travis: Are you okay Taylor you havnt been online for nearly 7 hours and i know your literally attached to the hip with your phone what's going on? it was now 8pm and still no reply from her and she doesn't seem like the type of person to let her phone die for such a long period of time, especially with her level of fame and needing high levels of security. To find out I decided to just call her.

*call ended*
*call ended*
*call ended*

Travis: Tay it's okay if you're ignoring me I understand but can you please just let me know your safe at least? I know your phones not dead either Tay.

Atleast I knew that her phone wasn't dead otherwise it would have said *call failed * but I don't know if that made me feel better or worse knowing that she was probably receiving all these messages and calls from me and purposely ignoring them.

I eventually gave up knowing she was clearly losing interest in me as it was nearing 10pm and still no reply. So after calling her a few more times and it still saying *call ended* I just decided to go to sleep, well at least I tired to. I was tossing and turning all night and I don't know why? Who am I kidding of course I know why I'm just to scared to admit. I was worried about Taylor; what if she got hurt? or is in danger? or she ignoring me because I'm a annoying her.

Eventually sleep caught up to me only for about 3 hours as I woke up to a 5:30am alarm which I don't even remember setting but oh well I was awake now. Still no reply. I didn't know what to do so I ended up switching off my phone for the rest of the day as it was clear she wasn't gonna talk to me any time soon now.

Well atleast thats what I assumed was gonna happen...

Authors note: I have skimmed over the chapter for any SPAG errors as it's late and I simply dont want to read through it about 5 times checking 😂. Hope you're liking the sorry so far comment any suggestions or feedback for me, and thank you for reading this far!!

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