{destruction in the music room}

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Taylor's POV:

It was 4am. 4am and Joe was locked inside my music room , he had access to literally anything in there , my piano , guitar , new song lyrics and my whole studio set up. I was getting scared as all we heard from behind the door was crashing and banging, like he was breaking things. He wouldn't be that horrible right? He knows how much my music means to me.

Time felt like it was so slow for my security to get here , but they arrived and travis unlocked the door for them.

"where is he?" one of my security asked but we didn't need to answer because Joe started screaming "hey! what the fuck! unlock the door now you bitch" i was taken back from his words but not surprised he was probably drunk again. "guys , here's the key for the door and I'm pretty sure he's drunk as fuck right now so be careful and once he's out the house , do whatever you think is needed , even if it's mean you-know-what" travis raised his eyebrow at me because he probably knew what i mean but wasn't sure so i came a small nod so he knew i wasn't kidding.

"okay thank you miss Swift we'll sort him out"

All 3 of them walked up to the door unlocked it and ran inside , you could hear Joe complaining like a baby "ah fuck you guys , i'm getting a lawyer" "good luck explaining to them why your in someone's fucking house at 4am , so get whatever lawyer you can afford , which isn't much so bye Joe" i yelled out as they dragged him out of the house.

"Trav-" i was shaking , what if he came back again "hey tay, it's okay , he's gone now you security will do what's necessary"
"but what if he comes back, how does he even know you live here , like when he turned up earlier"
"i wish i could answer that tay but i can't , i don't know how he found the house but what i do know is that we're moving it's not safe here anymore for me or you."

Was this man i've only known for 5 months about to move house just because of my psycho ex's.

"are you sure travis, that's a major job moving house just because Joe cant control himself"

"taylor it's fine. i'd have to move house eventually for more privacy and it would be better for you aswell, we'll move into a gated community and i can get a house for your security team so there near us at all times, and before you ask i've got the money taylor it's fine." i was gonna ask him about the money but he's clearly sensed that already.

"but i feel bad you're spending so much money on something that isn't your fault , at least let me pay for something"
"if you really want to pay for something you can decorate the house , i know how much joy it gives you and i've seen you work your magic around here already , so why not at a different house. is that alright tay?"

it's true 'travis' house' or now apparently 'our house' seeing as i've added my own tweaks into the interior design looks so much better than it first was , no offence to travis but his decorating skills are well pretty questionable buts he makes up for it by being so cute.


Once Joe had been taken out I braced myself and walked up to the door of my music room , looking around the room all there was were shreds of paper everywhere and my guitars had been smashed up "travis he's ruined everything all my music and my instruments" bursting into sobs and my body was trembling in horror, 1.5 years of an album in the making destroyed in 5 minutes.

how could he do this to me? he had ruined all my notes for my songs and I was meant to record them in a few weeks time and now i have nothing. "tay , come here sweetie we'll get security to do something to him and it won't be nice i'll make sure of it , i'm sorry about your work i know how hard you've been working on it and i'll get you new equipment but i'm so sorry tay"

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