{secret surprise}

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A/n: This whole chapter will be Taylor's POV of what happened in the previous chapter.

Enjoy 🫶🏼

Taylor's POV:

Id sent Travis an apology message after he slammed the door in my face , because he had to know the truth one way or another. and he made it clear he didn't want it to be in person. But he left me on read and he left Tree of read as I told her to back me up.

I couldn't wait up all night for him to reply so i fell asleep quite early which then mean i woke up early. I had no inspiration for music as my whole album had been shredded apart so there was no new ideas coming through to my mind all i could think about was how i'd spent 2 years into this about for it to be torn up in 5 minutes. I put everything I had into that album all my feelings over the last 6 years with my relationship with Joe and what my fans say was my 'rebound' who was Matty.

Jack asked me what my dream guitar was and what i'd put on it which I thought was a little suspicious but i let it slide , and sent him details of what i'd put on it. I mean i definitely had my eye on these 2 guitars i wanted and you could engrave it with whatever you wanted so i would put '13, 87' i stumbled a little about whether id put 87 on it or not but i decided in the end i would.

Things were getting weirder by the minute as travis had now messaged me.

Travis: Hey taylor , do you think you could come round mine for about 2 , i've got a surprise for you and then after if you want we can go out and get food? x

Of course i couldn't say no , we needed to go over everything so I booked the next flight I could find and flew straight to KC about 3 hours later i'd arrived and landed and got a lift back to Travis' house.

Apon my arrival Travis was stood there. With a blindfold in his hand. I was a bit confused but didn't really think much of it at first.

But then he asked me if i trusted him which obviously i do, no matter what happens between us , and then he told me to put the blindfold over my eyes and he guided me into his house slowly.

Obviously i knew his house layout well so he span me around until i could barely stand up straight, and then i stopped and it felt like the whole world was spinning around me but we paused infront of what i assumed was a door but then again travis has a lot of doors on his house so i had no clue what i was standing infront of.

I could hear travis open the door giving me a gentle push to walk inside and then he locked me inside the room. "Travis are you kidnapping me or something where did you go?" i screamed out , and of course he didn't answer he just laughed at me and then he told me to take my blindfold off.

I was terrified, i didn't know what to really expect but when i took the blindfold off it definitely was not this. First thing i did was just scream my lungs off , travis probably thought id been stabbed or something. There were 2 guitars in the corner of the room, the exact guitars i'd shown Jack. And the room look practically brand new , unfortunately my piano and music weren't in great state , i mean i don't even know where my music went it wasn't on the floor so probably in the trash.

Once i'd taken it all in i walked back outside where i saw travis and i just couldn't help with the questions "Oh. My. God. Travis those are my dream guitars , how-what-when did yo-" i cut myself off when my eyes shifted down to travis' hands and i swore i would never see these pieces of paper ever again or at least them back in one-piece.

But there they were , in travis' hands maybe not perfect condition but i can't even imagine how long it must have taken him to match up all the lyrics perfectly.
I just couldn't help but start sobbing , there was a slight nervous look on his face probably thinking why on earth i'm crying.

"Travis, what the fuck, when did you even have time for this , must have taken ages thank you so much"

Words couldn't even describe how grateful i was to have Travis in my life, i wouldn't even think myself that I could ever get my song lyrics back, yet travis must have spent hours preparing this just for me. Just as well there may or may not have been some songs about him , i wondered if he read any yet?

"Hey trav , so you know how you got my lyrics back , by any chance did you read any of them and i mean like any of it" he looked guilty but didn't want to confess
"um no , i didn't" it was so obvious he was lying but kinda cute at the same time "travis don't even. i know you read them and i'm kinda glad you did, hopefully you saw the ones about you and not the other ones mainly" his whole facial expression lit up "wait so those songs were about me" "well it  depends which ones you're on about?" there were 1 or 2 songs that were about travis and definitely more to come for the future that's for sure "so high school and the alchemy , are they  about me?" "hmm maybe"

The rest of the day all the could say was "truth , dare , spin bottles , you know how to ball , i know Aristotle" so he had clearly learnt the lyrics and album wasn't been out yet. And i don't blame him , not being bias but it was kinda catchy. I wasn't really sure when i was going to release this album but we had a meeting in mid December to organise everything but i was thinking  around April-May
but of course i've got to put out some easter eggs for my fans as they take everything and i mean EVERYTHING as a clue i could have 2 earrings in each ear and they'd think it was a clue.

But at the end of the day me and Travis made up , i showed him the rest of the songs on my new guitar he got me , and even had the engravings in it and he seemed to like the '87' i'd asked to be put on not even knowing i was going to get 1 guitar let alone 2.

God i loved being in love again , and i definitely see a future with travis, the thing with Joe was that i wanted a future but Joe didn't. I want to get married and have kids , Joe wanted to focus on whatever his job actually was he claims he's an 'actor' but i think we all know thats some proper bs. Me and travis have talked about the future and i'm glad we're on the same page god i love him so much.

A/N: Last update probably for the week , another shortish chapter i didn't really want to write too much because it would probably end at either an awkward point or a cliffhanger, and i hate cliffhangers when i'm reading 😭😭.

Anyone like usual thanks to anyone who's voted or commented 💗

Next chapter will be about Taylor's birthday , if you've got to want ideas on what Travis could do or anyone else could do or get Taylor i would love to hear your suggestions and then obviously i'd give credit
comment ideas here 💗 ——>

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