{puzzle pieces in the dead of night}

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A/n: For some reason all the writing i did on this chapter decided to just disappear and i can't find it so i probably forgot to save it 😭. So sorry if this chapter is slightly shorter. 💗

Ahhh I'm also so excited bc waiting room is back on Spotify !! I was literally crying when i found out it had been removed. Anyway enjoy the chapter 🫶🏼

Travis' POV:

Once i'd read Taylor's message again it all made sense , taylor would never say anything like that or even remotely close. I can't believe i let Joe get inside my mind. I'd already slammed the door on taylor's face so there's no use is trying to do anything today, but it was okay as i had a plan, but it was gonna keep me up all night.

I decided to eat dinner then go for a nap and woke up at about 11pm and made my way to tays music room letting out a deep breath as i had a long night ahead of me. And looking at the state of her room this was not going to be easy.

First things first i called tree and asking her to give me Jack Antonoff's number , once she given it to me i sent him a message.

Travis: Hey jack, It's Travis i was wondering if you could do me a favour seeing as you know taylor quite well , do you think you could buy her dream guitars and i can pay you back as her old ones broke and i want to get her a knew one but i don't know anything about guitars so wondering if you could help. Thanks.

Somehow Jack instantly read my message and then got back to me

Jack: Hey Travis, of course I'd love to help you out, I've ordered her 2 guitars that she's been wanting for ages but never bought them, the total is about $7500 if that's okay? I can deliver it to your house tomorrow morning as I'm not far outside KC.

Travis: Thanks, that's perfect could you come round between 10-12? And then I'll get tay to come round after.

Jack: Sure man

Once me and Jack had finalised all the details i now had to face the hardest task.

Taylor was upset that all her music sheets had been torn apart and it would take hours to even attempt putting it back, which is exactly what I'm going to do or at least try.

Thankfully Taylor liked to organise her songs first off into different pen types and then each song had a different color, so first i organised them into their colours and then the type of pen she used. Now i was left with 31 piles of paper all fully organised and all i had to do was tape them all back together , sounds easy right?

Nope. It took me all throughout the night but it was worth it , hopefully Taylor would be happy, i mean the pages didn't look the neatest but the words were all in the right place and lined up as i carefully matched up the tears together. Like 31 jigsaw puzzles. And now i had the whole album all fully taped up together, it must have taken about 7-8 hours as i hadn't left the room once,  not wanting to get distracted but once I finally left i could see the sun slowly peeking over the horizon. I made myself a coffee and took the music sheets over to the counter.

I Made my breakfast, had a shower answered all my emails and messages but nothing from Taylor yet but i was going to message her later once the guitars had arrived.

I made my way back over to the countertop where the music sheets layer, I may or may not have had a little look over the lyrics and couldn't help but blush when there was clearly 1 or 2 songs about me. But i didn't have time to fully read them as i heard a knock on the door which was hopefully Jack.

And it was, he handed me the 2 guitars we exchanged a few words about why i needed these and now i had to somehow give it to Taylor.

I cleaned up the music room removing the old guitars, the piano wasn't awful but it had a few cracks and broken parts but it was too late to order a whole piano , but hopefully what i did was enough.

I messaged Taylor asking her to come over later once I'd set up the room , i had some old LED lights that hadn't been used so i set them up around the top of the room.

And it was all completed, all that was missing was Taylor but she was coming over in about 10 minutes so i made some final preparations and then the doorbell rang. Sprinting over to the door and opening it i immediately let out a "hey tay!" I couldn't really help all the excitement and adrenaline which was either because i was excited for tays reaction or the 4 coffees i had  that was keeping me from sleeping right now.

"Hey Travis, you told me come here for a surprise?" i didn't want to give off too much info so i handed over a blindfold to her "tay, do you trust me?" "Yes." "Can you put the blindfold on please" she put it over her eyes and then i slowly guided her so she was stood outside the music room.

I opened the door and told to take a few steps inside before i shut the door "Travis are you kidnapping me or something where did you go?" i let out a small chuckle to her question "tay, take the blindfold off" I'm assuming she did because next thing i heard was a scream so i quickly ran over to the kitchen to get the sheets of music and stood outside the door waiting for her to come out.

"Oh. My. God. Travis those are my dream guitars , how-what-when did yo-" her eyes drew down towards my hands which were firmly gripping the once shredded lyrics. "Is that what i think it is!" screaming at me. I handed them over to her and she just started sobbing. Did i do something wrong? "Tay, are you okay." "Travis, what the fuck, when did you even have time for this , must have taken ages thank you so much" god i genuinely thought she was mad at me but I'm glad she was excited.

"I know how long you put into that album and seeing it been torn up after the whole incident made my heart shatter, I'm sorry for being a bit of a dick about it because i didn't know how you really felt , but i put them back together for you because i know how excited you were for the album." she was now full on sobbing and trembling "Travis, thank you , you're so sweet no one has ever done anything like this, my god. This must have taken hours, and the guitars. How did  you know that's my dream guitar?"

"Well i got a little help from Jack seeing as he knew you the best and i know nothing about guitars, I'm sorry i couldn't fix the piano for you" "Travis are you kidding this is more than enough thank you really thank you so much. I'm sorry about walking out as well , i just- I mean. I  thought I'd never see these again." Waving the lyrics around "tay, i love you" opening my arms up letting her choose what she wanted to do and she immediately walked into my arms and i just held her whilst she was still shaken up from everything "i love you to trav" there it was just me and my girl , happy once again.

A/n: Sorry this chapter was only Travis' pov , the next chapter it will be from Taylor's perspective which I'll try and make longer. Also help im going on this camping trip in a couple of days and I've never been camping before but i won't be able to upload anything during the trip sadly 😔. But when i get back I'll write some longer chapters after.

Anyway like always, thanks to anyone me who's voted or commented 💗

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