{eras tour}

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8th November 2023

It was the day before the eras tour started again and Taylor was walking up and down her house pacing full of nerves. Travis had just finished his podcast which was filmed at Taylor's house and went up to hug her from behind her . "Ah fucking hell trav! You terrified me!"   "Tay come here , look at me tay, i know your nervous but I've seen you in rehearsals your gonna do amazing i promise" giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

They spent the rest of day finalising all outfits making sure they were ready for the night. That was one of Taylor's favourite part; picking out the outfits and of course the surprise songs, the first she picked out was 'the very first night' for guitar and then for piano she chose 'labyrinth' which she was very excited for.

This was Taylor and Travis' first show together since they've been seen out in public, people had already started assuming there were a couple, but once they see travis in the VIP tent tomorrow they'll know for sure. And Taylor has a little secret she's been hiding from Travis only her and tree know about it, not even her dancers.

This was also the first time Travis was gonna meet Taylor's dad who was a hardcore Eagles fan but he's sure that with some convincing he could change that to the Chiefs. Was Travis nervous? yes. Did he tell Taylor? no. He didn't want to put any more pressure on taylor as she was already stressing out enough.

Taylor's POV:

It was 1 day till the show and I'm so nervous, Travis is trying his best to help me calm down and to be honest if I didn't have him here i would not as good as i am right now. I remember on the Rep tour the first night i had a panic attack and Joe told me 'suck it up' which only made it worse if felt like the walls of my throat were closing tighter and tighter.

I'm trying to stay positive as I've got a surprise for Travis I'm gonna change the lyric in Karma and my dad will be with him in the VIP tent so hopefully they get on well , i don't see why wouldn't they have a lot in common and they love football even if my dad is an Eagles fan I'm sure Travis could make him change his mind.

As i was lost in my thoughts Travis came up to me with roses, box of chocolates and my favourite wine "what's this for?" "you tay" i mean i was never one to turn that kinda stuff down but i was more confused why. "But why all I've been doing is stressing out making which had been making you work harder to help me calm down " "exactly you've got a lot going on so how about we order dinner early-ish and then we can watch whatever you want in the movie room and then go to sleep?"

i recently got an at home cinema which had 3 rows of 7 seats in case all my friends came round it's easier in there to watch movies together "aww thank you Travis and can we watch anything" with a huge smirk on my face "yes tay anything you want" he instantly regretted saying  that as he knew what i was about to say "how about catch-" "anything BUT catching Kelce, tay as much as i love you I'm never watching that . ever."  "Aww you're no fun" with a big pout on my face and crossing my arms "well i suppose if we start within the next ten minutes we can watch all the high school musicals pretty please" "sure tay I'll go set it up do you want to get into your pyjamas?" "Sure be back in a second trav"

It was ironic watching high school musical seeing as i had a song about Travis called 'so highschool' which he was yet to know about but I would surprise him with that another time.

After watching all 3 we were both exhausted so travis told me to head upstiars and he'd clean up for me. I really think Travis is the one for me, he's put my heart back together. even though he wasn't the one to break it.

9th November 2023

Taylor's POV:

This was it, in a couple of hours I was taking the stage to perform again it had been about 4 months since i last performed and I've been to so many rehearsals but there was a feeling in the back of my mind that something was wrong. I tried my best to shake it off as my stylist came in for hair and makeup.
Once my hair and makeup was done I got into my chosen bodysuit the pink one which was one of my fav's even though they're all my favourites really.

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