{drama at thanksgiving}

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Time jump to November 23rd 2023 (thanksgiving) i'm from UK so we don't celebrate thanksgiving but i roughly know what it's about.

I'm gonna try make this a slightly longer chapter as i haven't put out a smut chapter like i was going to. And there probably won't be one , maybe later on in the story, i enjoy reading them on other peoples stories but its so difficult to write , it makes me giggle writing smut like i  can't take it serious at all . 😭😭

Travis' POV:

Today was thanksgiving and I was so excited to celebrate as I have found someone new in my life to be thankful for , my best friend , my girl , my whole world.

Taylor's family were coming around mine as Jason and Kylie and their daughters were already staying at ours , and then my mom and dad were flying in midday today.

Taylor was working in the kitchen as i'm not the best chef apart from making pancakes for tay or the girls that's all i'm really good at. Taylor however is an amazing cook/baker she loves it, sometimes i'll come home from practice and there'll be a weeks worth of brownies on the counter for me , not that i'm complaining as they taste amazing.

It was still early morning so Jason and Kylie were still fast asleep , wish i could say the same about my nieces , they been awake since 5 am running around my garden with my dogs. And they absolutely adore Taylor and look up to her and i think it's so cute.

"Taylor pwetty please may i help you cook?" asked Wyatt the oldest of the 3 girls "of course you can sweetie, let me get you a stool" my heart melted as Wyatt and Taylor were cooking together , the other girls were still quite young to even be near an oven let alone cook. But despite Wyatt being only 6 she was an intelligent kid , even though she still has her cheekiness to her shes adorable.

I somehow got caught up and ended up staring at taylor , you could probably see hearts in my eyes as I looked at her , she was my girl . forever and always .

as i got so lost looking at Taylor i didn't even notice Wyatt hopping of the stool and walking up behind me "boo!" she screamed at me making me jump out of my skin "ahh Wyaat you scared me" she giggled clearly proud of herself and I could see taylor joining in with her. "something funny swift?" raising an eyebrow at her ,
"i could say the same thing , got a staring issue have we kelce?" i mean she was right but i couldn't let her get away with it that easily.

Soon enough Jason and Kylie made there way downstairs "mmmhm it smells soo good in here thank you Taylor for cooking" jason exclaimed whilst walking down the stairs without even seeing who was in the kitchen doing the hark work.
"excuse me jason , how do you know it was taylor cooking, it could have been me" rolling my eyes at him knowing he was about to make a joke.

Everyone bursted out into laughter which felt a bit targeted towards me but i joined in with them "travis , no offence your cooking is absolutely sh-" "Jason the kids!" kylie pointed out before he carried on "right yes sorry , travis your cooking is awful, you can't even cook eggs without burning them" which was true but we'll ignore that.

Taylor finished up cooking and we all sat around the table well we had a 'kids' table and an 'adults' table so we weren't interrupted every 5 seconds by one of the girls. The food was absolutely delicious but we didn't eat too much as we were going to have a massive dinner later when both our  families were here.

A couple hours passed and my mom and dad had arrived, Taylor's parents and brother were running slightly late as the plane they were supposed to catch had a delay. It made me feel so great knowing my family accepted Taylor and made her feel welcomed as her family did to me. I don't really know much about Tays brother apart from a quick meet up at a bar. 

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