{new york}

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A/n:  sorry for not posting I've had the worst cold ever last week but I'm okay now, this week might be a bit slow again on updating but I'll try my best.

And also how dare Taylor play yoyok AGAIN at the eras tour 😔

Anyway enjoy the chapter <3

Taylor's POV:

landing in New York felt weird, especially without Travis. part of me felt guilty about ignoring Travis but then again all my emotions would just explode onto him so technically i'm doing him a favour even if he doesn't see it that way.

Once I had landed in New York I headed straight to my apartment so i could avoid any Paparazzi as the headlines would be going crazy with so many assumptions.

A couple hours passed and I was bored out of mind , i missed Travis so much but it was too late to call him now , what would i even say 'oh sorry i walked out , can i come back' that just sounds ridiculous.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up at 2pm to the most aggressive knocking ever. Pulling my tired body out of bed I threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants. "Jeez you don't have to be so agres-" i immediately got cut off when i saw who was at my door

"Well that's no way to speak to your boyfriend now is it?" Was this guy mentally insane or something why was he at my house and saying he's my boyfriend. "Joe what are you on about , we're not together, not sure if you remember but you cheated on me . Multiple times. And I'm happy now I'm with someone else so if you could leave please"

"Taylor taylor taylor, when are you ever going to realise that the dumb football player is only with you for the money and the fame , which your welcome after all it was me who made you well known after all i am an A-List actor" scoffing and rolling my eyes such bullshit but i knew not to talk about it because it would just end badly. "Thanks for the input Joe but I'm happy okay , we both love eachother which makes a change from what i was use to now can you go away and bother someone else"

I was about to shut the door when all of a sudden he grabbed my wrist "i don't think so Taylor, your mine remember, so I'll do what I want with myself and you." can he seriously not take the hint that i don't want him.

"Joe let go okay, I'm happy with someone else i don't love you anymore Joe, I'm sorry but i can't do this you need to go. Now please" he still didn't budge he just stood there starting at me.

"Are you fucking joking Taylor, you never loved me , your a lazy fucking bitch who doesn't anyone" holding back tears as Joe got closer and closer to me. "Where's your phone Taylor" "why?" "Just give me your fucking phone Taylor" scared of what would have happened i gave it to him hesitantly. "Password?" raising one eyebrow at me "um 8789" Joe started typing it in and now he had access to everything then his grip on my neck loosened, and he bolted out the door. With my phone in his hand , unlocked for him to do anything he wanted. I tried to ran after him but a car pulled up and drove Joe away.

"Fuck" i muttered under my breath. If only I'd stayed with Travis and none of this would have happened and i left travis' house because of Joe, how did he know i would be here? How did he even get here.

Thankfully i had numerous spare phones in case of emergencies all with numbers and close contacts inputted in. Desperately i dialled tree's number and she picked up.

"Tree i can't explain everything right now but basically Joe has my phone it's unlocked, and he's gone please make sure my socials are all okay and he doesn't do anything fucked up , also please can you get me a flight to Kansas city right now please."

"Okay Taylor, we'll go over details of what happened later I'll keep an eye on socials and check in with your family Incase he messages them and I'll book a flight now so make your way to the airport and it will be ready"
tree responded with , I'm so glad i had tree full time she was like a second mother to me and I'm so thankful for her.

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