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Taylor's POV:

I had woken up to a bright and sunny New York, realizing I fell asleep after I ate dinner I made an attempt to tidy up my dishes and also feeding my cats. I checked my phone to see I had 8 missed calls from Travis and he left loads of messages all throughout the evening up until around 2am.

I didn't even bother reading the messages I instantly hit the FaceTime button hoping he would pick up. Nope. I got hit with a *call failed* instead so of course i tried again *call failed* it was 11am he should probably be awake and didn't even ring twice it rang once and then said *call failed*. I just assumed maybe he was having a lie in considering he was up at 2am trying to contact me. Omg I hope everything was okay why was he trying to call me at such a ridiculous time?? Surely it must have been serious.

Throughout the day I tried to call him but he couldn't have been sleeping all day could he? And why would he leave his phone off all day either?
Did i take it personally? yes. So it was clear he was ignoring me at least I had a reason because I was sleeping but it was now 4pm so I decided to just back off from him and if he still wanted me he could contact me first I was done wasting my time of some boy who probably was with me only for fame. I still hadn't opened the messages and if I'm being honest i couldn't be asked he was clearly ignoring me so why should I waste my time replying back to him.

*1 week later*

Taylor's POV:

I was so upset my tour dates for the rest of July ended up getting cancelled due to heatwaves all across the US and it was unsafe not only for me but for all my fans who would sit in a queue for 12hours in blazing heat so we'd postpone them until next July in 2024 when I would come back to the US.

I remembered that Travis has a game today and it had been about a week and still no contact between each other so he made it clear what his intentions were, which was to be with me just for fame then he'd leave me without an explanation.

Travis' POV:

It had been a week. A week and no contact between me and Taylor I didn't know why she was ignoring me, maybe she thought I was ignoring her? Anyway today was not the day to start thinking about Taylor as I had my game in a couple of hours and then we were all planning to head out into a bar. The game would be held in New York which was where Taylor lived I'm pretty sure but the chances of running into her was practically 0.

Taylor's POV:

I decided to call Blake and see if she was available as i was bored out of my mind I could have sworn I started hallucinating and I started hearing Travis' voice in my head at one point. Anyway she agreed to meet up with me, we were heading to a rooftop-bar in central New York for around 8pm. Hoping we would be more shielded from paparazzi we chose a roof top bar instead of the others.

*5 hours later*

Travis' POV:

We did it! We won I mean we were guaranteed to win and i got 2 touchdowns! With the final score being 46-21 to celebrate our team decided to head to a quiet bar somewhere in New York a bit later at night so we could all eat, go see our families and shower first. I would've called Taylor by now but we were still giving each other the silent treatment my messages were still on delivered so she hasn't even bothered to check them which wasn't helpful but maybe she just didn't receive them? I do miss her a lot , waking up and feeling excited to see her pretty face on my phone even if it's just for 30 mintues seeing her face makes my day.

Time went pretty quick thankfully as it hit 7:20pm I decided to head to the bar earlier as some of the boys were there already so I wouldn't be alone and it's not like I had any reason to stay back a bit later at home. Ended up arriving at around 7:45 as I'd never been here before so took a while to actually find the place but it was all good now as i made it. Walking in I went straight up to her bar and started a tab so it's easier as I knew I was probably gonna drink quite heavy tonight and I'd just uber home if that was the case. Some of my teammates were there and Coach Reid, but Pat said him and Britt were running late due to 'traffic' which definitely meant Pat got lost and has no idea where he is going.

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