{the breakup|dream}

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TW: abuse , ed , räpë

This is gonna be quite a long chapter just letting you know before you read it. It's going to be a flashback to December 2022 and what caused Taylor and Joe's breakup. And then it will go back to the present day of Taylor explaining the dream to Travis, i hope you enjoy the chapter.

December 2022:

"Joe i can't do this anymore, your always coming home drunk you need serious help if you want to still be in a relationship" yelling at Joe this was the 4th time in a week he'd come home blackout drunk with not a care in the world.

"Oh my god Taylor your so sensitive why does it matter if I'm drunk atleast I'm having fun, it's not my fault your an insecure bitch who can't even look at her body without calling her self fat, so maybe you should just eat less if you think your fat!" i could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes, how could he say that to me? His own fiancé, i was use to him treating me like this but this time it was different. Joe came running up to me and slammed me against a wall pinning my wrists against the wall. "Ow Joe stop your hurting me, let go please ow" "no this is your punishment you bitch i have a fun time out and all i get when i come home is you complaining."

His grip on my wrists was getting tighter by the second "please Joe let go, it's hurts so much please I'm sorry" "oh now your sorry Taylor you asked for this, you and your gobby mouth" joes hand raised up into the air next thing i heard a loud smack that echoed through my ears, as he released my wrists and my hands instantly rushed to my cheek. "Yo- you just hit me?" whimpering i was barely holding back tears now "well no shit Sherlock now learn to keep your mouth shut about me" Joe snapped at me and started walking up the stairs to our room.

I bursted into tears, how could he hit me? We'd been together for about 6 years and he had never acted like how he just did. looking down at my wrists, dark red finger imprints were laying on my wrist. I walked over to the downstairs bathroom as there was no way i could even be on the same floor as the man who just hit me. I looked at myself in the mirror i couldn't even recognise myself i had a large hand imprint across my cheek and my black eye that was slowly getting better from when he threw a bottle at me last week.

I was now sobbing thankfully we had a shower downstairs so i used that one to clean myself, but all i could think about was Joe; hitting me. How could i keep this to myself but how could i tell anyone. Joe would kill me if i told anyone he abused me. Despite living with Joe in London for 6 years i still wasn't fully familiar with my surroundings as he had me trapped in the house mist the time or he'd force me out which never ended well. so i couldn't go anywhere i was stuck here, with an abuser who was my own fiancé.

It was 4am what was i meant to do exactly? First thing was to get an ice pack to reduce any swelling on my cheek, fans had already speculated signs of abuse when they saw my black eye which clearly hadn't been covered up enough. Even though Joe was the reason i looked like this, i couldn't call him out, i couldn't end our relationship just because he was drunk and did something he didn't mean? Or did he mean it? That night i slept on the couch which was becoming a more often occurrence than it should be.

I woke up to the door slamming shut meaning Joe had left for 'work' or in my eyes cheating. I needed to be out of the house tonight i couldn't be here tonight not after what happened so i decided to send a message to Joe even though i know he was too busy giving himself away to every girl he could get his hands on.

New message to Joe:

I'm going out tonight with Abigail as she's in town for the week not sure if I'm staying over at hers or not love you and see you later xx

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