no one bothers my girl.

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I walked the halls with my head down crying which is really embarrassing, stupid Malfoy always fucking bothering me just because I'm a dirty blood, I hate him. I wasn't paying attention when I bumped into someone and that someone happened to be my boyfriend I didn't want him to see me like this,all because of Malfoy and his shitty friends.
"Y/n?" He asked confused.
"What's wrong?" He then asked his face turned from soft to mad in two seconds as he seen the tears on my face.
"Nothing."I simply say avoid it his face.
"Y/n your crying so there can't be nothing wrong. So tell me or I'll find out myself and if I do it's not gonna turn out nice for whoever the fuck was messing with you."Mattheo said grabbing my face making me look at him.
" was your stupid friend."
"Who Draco? What did he say?" He asked.
"He called me a mudblood. And said that you shouldnt be dating me and I don't deserve you."
That was all Mattheo had to hear,he grabbed my hand and we walked to wherever Draco was, I hid behind Mattheo so it wouldn't seem as if I went and told on Draco, which i technically did.
"that dirty blood snitched on me didn't she? what a fucking bitch."Draco scoffed earning a punch to his jaw.
"Don't fucking talk about her like that Draco."
" what are you gonna do about it mattheo? You need to leave her she's fucking pathetic. What would your father think if he found out you were dating a mudblood? He would be so fucking disappointed."That did it for mattheo he threw another punch and they started fighting.
"Mattheo stop! That's enough! mattheo!" I yelled trying to get him off Draco only to get set to the ground.
"Y/n!" Theo said running over to her.
"I'm fine just get them to stop."Theo nodded and pulled Mattheo off of Draco holding him back I helped him pull him away from the fight scene,
I dragged him all the way to my dorm and attended to his wounds.
"No problem, no one bothers my girl" mattheo said placing his head on my forehead kissing it.

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