It is 2024. I have returned. - A/N

215 10 37

Wow. You guys. It has been 5 years since I posted this story and I am STILL getting notifications from my email abt comments on chapters.
I was 13 when I started this thing and I am going to be 19 in the next month or so!! That's insane.

I am cringe but I am free.

ANYWAYS. I know I've done a lot of yapping about revamping this story for the past couple years but now that I am older and somewhat wiser I DO want to actually rewrite everything because the amount of secondhand embarrassment I got throughout reading this was horrendous.


1. I have literally not consumed any Myth related media in like 4 years.

2. I have not genuinely played roblox in like a year. (Although I do play free draw 2 sometimes 👍👍)

3. I have not written any fanfiction in AGES.

4. I haven't watched an Albert/Flamingo vid in years also???

5. I literally remember nothing about anything about Roblox Myths or any lore or anything. I don't even know if the community is still alive??
Like I've only seen some stuff online about some Roblox Myth creators being like weirdos? (AloneTraveler, Chuck Lloyd, Kazdam in general...*Cough*)

There's also the fact that literally everyone retired and moved on with their lives (Like RUST_010, he has his own actual non-myth YouTube channel now and is very cool u should check him out if you haven't c:)


I feel as though It'd be a...teeny tiny bit problematic if I made a continuation of this fic considering all the unsavory things most people have done BUT, like, I think it'd just be funny if I did anyway? Right?

So I am! I will! I will do it I swear this time.

That being said, I have some questions:

— should I keep it fem!reader for the nostalgia or make it non-binary just to keep things simple for everyone

— should I rewrite the 15 chapters and end it off? Or actually include more myths or just more interactions with myths?

— do y'all mind if I go absolutely BUCK WILD and make a more unhinged (Y/N) character?

Let me know in the comments! It'd be great to see if anyone is still alive after all this long.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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"Infinite" (fem!Reader x Roblox Myths)Where stories live. Discover now