Chapter [11] A Return

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I typed furiously on my laptop as I finished a report on a G0Z article I was assigned to, along with another co-worker who had broke a leg.

I pressed the "submit" button with a satisfied smile, and it sent to my supervisor.

I shut my laptop and placed it on my side and leaned back onto the sofa.

The rain outside made the cold seem worse, making my bones ache somewhat.

I got up slowly and grabbed my crutch that was next to me and walked to the thermostat. I had a limp as I walked, but that was to be expected since I was injured.

The doctor said it would be a somewhat long process to get back to walking normally, but he said in a week or so I could go back to working again. Which made me glad.

I turned the heater on and went back to sit back down.

I hadn't heard from the Days yet, but that didn't worry me.

If it were urgent, meaning that I was infected, they would've called me sooner. But they haven't, which sort of relieved me.

Suddenly, my work-phone started ringing. I tried to fast walk but almost tripped on my way there. I cursed in a bitter voice and stumbled all the way to the couch, collapsing onto it.

I read the caller ID and didn't recognize it.

I raised my eyebrow, skeptical, but I answered it anyway.

"...Investigative Agent (L/N) speaking..." I said, trying to be professional.

"Ah! Ms. (L/N)!" The voice that called was familiar, I recognized it immediately. "Oh! G-Great Day—Hello sir!" I could hear his smile from the other line, "Yes, hello Ms. (L/N). I hope you've been doing well?"

"A-Ah—yes! I have! I've been doing good. I've been healing quite fast honestly." I chuckled softly.

"That's great to hear Ms. (L/N). On behalf of my operatives and I, we wanted to apologize for having you get injured while you visited us."

"Oh, oh no! N-N-No! Don't be sorry! I-It wasn't a planned visit! You had no way of knowing—"

"Still. I take great pride in knowing my guests are always safe in our care. There have been only a few rare occurrences where our guests were attacked, like in your case."

I paused for a moment, " I s-see. Well then, I accept your apology sir." He quietly laughed for a moment, "Thank you Ms. (L/N). Also, I wanted to discuss your blood sample. Luckily, you weren't infected. But I will still keep in touch with you to keep you updated."

"Alright...uhm...well, thank you for contacting me sir." I said.

"It's no problem Ms. (L/N). It must be getting late in your world." He paused, "I won't hold you any longer. Have a great night (Y/N)." Great Day said before he hung up.

I looked to the clock and saw he was right, "It's practically midnight." I yawned.

I attempted to sit up but ended up falling back down onto the couch, I was too lazy to turn of the lights as well, but I just fell asleep.

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