Another (A/N)

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skMKOFHDWBFWFBW hHELLO eVeryone! I wanted to thank you all for 2k reads!

I'm legit shakiNGM,iwfn

im sorry, I'll stop being weird lol

But in all seriousness, thank you so much!

I apologize for not updating. It's the end of the school year, and I've just got so much stuff going on. I want to say I'll have it out soon but I don't know. It currently has about 400 words, but I want to write more than that, but all the words in my mind are like, broken and jumbled up and I can't seem to form them into sentences? Does that make sense? I don't know, it's just writers block I guess. I will try to get over it though and continue forward. Again, thank you again my dear readers, I am truly happy you guys seem to enjoy the crappy story I have going on.

Anyways, thanks again (lol) and have a nice day (or night idk)

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