Chapter [4] All A Lie

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[woah man, I've been uploading almost 3 days in a row ohohOHo that's a strange accomplishment coming from me, if I do say so myself. Now prepare your butts! Drama is sort of here in this chapter you are beginning to read, ooooooh snap! wow wee wee! Enjoy!]


We walked side by side in silence. My headache was slowly beginning to fade away and my red face seemed to not want to go away.

"Here." Alone Traveler said as he gave me a small figurine. I stopped in my tracks, making him stop too, "W-Why?"

"It's a gift."

I hesitantly got the small figure from his hand, it was a toy-like mini figure of a similar statue to "Meat Jesus."

"Thank you." I said quietly as I placed it into my bag.

I had remained flustered until we reached the door, Alone suddenly spoke up, "That red color suits your face..." He muttered. My face became even more flustered as I saw him form a small smirk as he faced the door and opened it. Just before I could ask him something, an ear-piercing noise resounded from the area we had just left. His eyes became dark and he glared at that direction. He opened the door fully and shoved me inside, "Do not come outside." Alone commanded in a slightly darker voice. I nodded slightly, he paid no mind to me as he passed me to grab his infamous sword that was leaning on the wall and walked back outside, slamming the door shut. I questioned what the heck the noise came from. I would have to ask Alone Traveler when he comes back.

I stood there for a couple seconds, slightly stunned. I wanted to look out the window but was stopped when I heard a small thump come from behind me. I turned and saw a familiar figure peering at me from the top of the stairs. His grey eyes were clouded with fear.

I felt a pierce in my heart as I felt the urge to hug him, as everyone who had come to known Selozar in the facility had wanted to do.

"Hi Selozar..." I said shyly. He piped up softly, "H-Hi..."

I smiled. "Mind if I ask you a few questions?"

He nodded, "Sure."

I walked up the stairs and took out my pager, feeling a bit safer in Selozar's presence. I typed my findings from before quickly before I sat down next to Selozar on the wall. I slid down and gave him a smile.

"My name's (Y/N). Nice to finally meet you, you're quite popular in the myth-hunter world." I said. "N-Nice to meet you (Y/N)...that's...interesting to hear." He seemed timid as he said so. My smile faded slowly as I brought up the question once more. "So...about Uleanra..." I began.

Selozar looked like a hurt puppy as I brought him up. "I-I'm sorry, we don't have to talk about him." I said. He shook his head, "It's fine...he...Alone had taken him, he wasn't the same as before. I'm not surprised if he actually would've committed suicide."

I suddenly raised my eyebrow, "What do you mean by you're not surprised if he would've committed suicide?" Selozar looked at me with a guilty gaze. He turned his head away from me, "I-I've said too much. H-He'll punish me for sure, I'm sorry..."

I wanted to press him further but noticed the bruise on his cheek began to turn purple against his white freckle dotted-dark skin. I decided to drop the question, "Want me to patch you up?"

He turned to me suddenly with a questioning look. "Your bruise." I said, he suddenly touched it, then jumped with a wince. I felt horrible that Alone did this to him on a regular basis, from what I've heard. I felt some sort of annoyance with the thought. Selozar didn't protest as he followed me to the bathroom. He sat down on the sink counter and took of his Robloxian labeled cap as I looked around for some bandages and rubbing alcohol.

I opened a cabinet and got the items I needed, hoping Alone wouldn't punish Selozar further if I helped him heal a bit. "You don't have to." Selozar began, but I was quick to shush him. "It might swell."

He slumped his shoulders as I got toilet paper and poured some of the alcohol lightly onto it. I apologized to the grey-eyed boy and lightly pressed onto the bruise. He winced slightly. A small layer of blood came from the paper and I dropped it into the trash. I took out a big bandage and placed it softly onto his face. "There." I muttered as I threw the wrapper away.

"Thank you (Y/N)." He said softly, he embraced me into a hug. "Nobody has ever done this sort of thing for me."
I wrapped my arms around him, "It's no problem Selozar. I'm sorry you have to go through this..." I suddenly felt warm tears trail from his eyes. "W-What's wrong are you in pain???" I asked in a worried tone.

"N-No it's jus-st...Uleanra...h-he..." He sobbed silently in my embrace. I hugged him further until he calmed down a bit.

We walked out of the bathroom, suddenly, Selozar's head snapped up. He gave the most worried look I'd seen on someone's face and suddenly shoved me into one of the empty rooms. I was partially engulfed in the white light that had blinded me before.

"(Y-Y/N), you have to l-leave..." Selozar said.

I was about to protest but Selozar bursted into tears, "Everything- Everything he said was a lie! I know his thoughts and I know he lied to you!"

I drastically questioned what he had just said.

"I'm s-so sorry! You were deceived the whole time! Uleanra didn't kill himself, h-h-he was murdered!"

Those words rang through my head.


"The whole time."

"He didn't kill himself."

"Uleanra didn't kill himself."

"Didn't kill himself."

"He was murdered."

"The corrosion of the catacombs killed him. It wasn't an accident." Selozar paused as he looked behind him, "You have to go. I hope you got the information you needed. I-I'm sorry."

"Wait! Selozar!" I screeched as I reached out for him. He gave me a saddened look and said what I made out to be a "Thank you." The light had blinded me once more, my head throbbed even worse than before and I let out a pain-induced scream before I blacked out.
[Oh man, wasn't that wild. I hope you guys enjoyed! The Alone x Reader didn't come out as great as I'd like but I hope you guys liked it at least! Getting votes and getting this story added to your reading lists keeps me motivated! I'm glad you guys are liking the story so far, and I hope that I'll keep up the momentum on updating the story at least once a day and making it at least or over 1000 words. Ima go take a nap now, school was tiring. Have a great day readers 👁w👁.

-- Stream]

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