Chapter [10] Atlas

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It was early in the morning when I woke up.

The air was brittle and frigid, and I didn't dare to disturb the blankets that I wrapped around myself in fear that the warmth I created would turn cold once more.

I turned on the T.V to distract myself of the pain coming from my knee. It was chronic, and I refused to see the wound.

I was scared.

I hadn't heard from the Days or...anyone for that matter.

The nurses hadn't come to give me medication or breakfast, but I didn't mind. I didn't feel up to eating (mostly cause hospital food sucks) and the pills didn't provide me much help other than knocking me out.

In a bored state, I played with my (H/C) locks of hair, twirling and examining them.

The T.V blabbed nonsense about some random theft in the area where I lived, but it didn't interest me. News of Robloxian Myth's never made it onto the news for two main reasons.

One. Some powers that some myth's hold may scare the public.

Two. No one really knows about Myths in general.

My eyes seemed to grow heavy, and soon I fell asleep.


I woke up a few hours later.

The nurse had came to give me food and medicine. Both which didn't interest me still.

I was debating whether or not to eat the strawberries in front of me when he walked in.

"A-Atlas...!" I sounded surprised.

Yes, it was Atlas. My supervisor.

"Oh! (Y/N)! You're awake!" He said with a smile, "How are you feeling?" I felt happy that I wasn't in accompany with my lonesome for once.

"Physical wise. I have no idea, my knee hurts like hell, but the nurse said I didn't lose any nerves. Mental wise, I'm okay just bored. A little shaken up from the run in with one of the [NIGHTS]." I barely recalled getting chased by those things a couple hours earlier.

"That's good that's good. I was here with a few members of the council yesterday. You were under a lot of medicine though, you were asleep." He explained as he pulled up a chair next to me.

We spent a small while talking before
he became a bit serious, "(Y/N), about your current role as a myth hunter..."

I shifted uncomfortably on the semi-soft bed. What about my role as a myth hunter?

"Since you are currently injured, I have planned for the several weeks you are going to stay at home to recover—"

"Wait! N-No! I can't stay home..." My voice sounded vulnerable.

" have to, don't you? Your knee is injured, not only can it interfere with investigations but you can also damage it further." Atlas said in a cautiously slow tone.

"I-I can't. I can't l-lose this chance! Please, please Atlas, I'll do everything I can to continue to investigate with all I have." I pleaded, he seemed a bit surprised but let out an exasperated sigh. "You still have to recover for a few days, for now I'll just assign you to researching jobs while you stay at home." He got up, "Anyways, I think I have to get going."

Atlas picked up his bag and headed towards the door, he suddenly turned to me, "By the way. Expect a call from the Days, your blood was sent to their lab just to make sure you weren't infected."

I nodded, "Bye sir."

"Goodbye (Y/N)."

Then he left. The room felt empty once more. The silence began to hurt my ears and I let my head fall back onto the bed in impatience.

I felt utterly helpless.

I couldn't move too much, I wasn't even sure if I wasn't actually paralyzed in my knee, considering how I couldn't even move it. I stared at it deeply, "Move..."

It twitched slightly, but the pain was practically unbearable. I threw my head back again once more and groaned in annoyance.

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