Chapter [14] The Glass Ball (Pt. 1)

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[lmaooooo I forgot to publish the art in the last chapter. I feel soooo stupid for not checking lol.

thIS ^^ is what I meant to put up but lmao. also, I want to apologize for not updating at a consistent rate, I've been feeling so burnt out... but I'm finally on summer break so, yay!!! I can update faster now I guess. Sorry for the wait! Please enjoy. It's literally midnight as I write this. Sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm heading to bed.


I was dazzled by all the sparkling lights of the banquet hall. It had become dark in the past few hours, which made the building really shine. I stepped out of Eve's car and spotted no other cars parked outside or in the parking lot.

I assumed Atlas made us come early to welcome the other guests when they arrive.

I shut the door and clung onto my purse, and caught up to Eve, who was walking at a slow pace. We walked up the stairs that were lined with L.E.D strips. I was glad the dress somewhat covered my knee brace, but I still had a small limp when I walked.

As we entered the hall we were greeted by one of the servants who led us to Atlas in the lobby room. "Evening girls! You both look great." He smiled. He was dressed in a classic suit with a bow and flower in his breast pocket. "Thank you Atlas." Eve beamed with pride. "Thank you. You as well." I replied.

His smile grew a bit wider, but he clapped his hands together. "So! Anyways, girls! I have a job for you two. If you will, welcome the guests when they arrive. Make conversations. Make friends. And most importantly, leave a good impression! Later on in the night, Masqueraze will do a speech, and then hopefully we can go in and ask questions."

I nodded, but then became a little anxious.

"I'll have to go make sure everything is in order. I'll talk to you guys later." Atlas waved. He walked away leaving us in the empty lobby.

Eve and I stood in silence for a moment processing the events that may come. She suddenly spoke up and clapped her hands together with an excited expression, "Come on! Let's set down our things and wait for everyone to come." I nodded and followed her down the hall. We turned into a small room that had a table and a closet. I hung my purse onto a hanger and waited for Eve outside.



As soon as the sky became truly dark, many guests began to arrive.

"Good-evening," I would bow to some people.

Practically all guests were wearing sparkling masks that hid their true identity. I had somewhat wished I had one as well, just to fit in with the crowd.

Soon, the crowds of people coming in had began to slow and soon there were only little groups walking in.

"Good evening sir, may I take your coat to the coat rack?" I offered a tall and intimidating man. He merely nodded and gently gave me his  coat, "Have a good night sir." I smiled. He nodded back in acknowledgement and walked towards the hall.

I held the folded coat in my arms as I watched him go. I wondered if I new the guy, but doubted it. I turned and placed the coat neatly onto the rack.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder, and turned around to find Atlas staring down at me. "Evening (Y/N). You've done great so far. You can go in the ball room and relax until we interrogate some myths." My eyes glinted, I nodded and glanced around for Eve. Atlas waved me off, "I already dismissed her. She's sitting at our table now."

"Oh! I-Uh...sorry!" I nervously smiled. Atlas smiled back and walked towards the direction of the entrance, "I-Is there anything I can do for you before I go?" I asked him. He stopped and turned back. "No. Not at the moment." He paused, "Just don't go outside right now." He mumbled. I could barely hear the last part. "I'll meet you inside (Y/N)." He waved and walked outside the grand doors.

I tilted my head and stood there for a moment. What could be so important for him to not want me outside?

I felt conflicted as I turned around to walk towards the ball room. The clicking of my shoes in the silent hall seemed to taunt me. I looked down and saw my reflection on the shiny floor. My (E/C) eyes glinted mischievously. I frowned as I new deep down inside I did want to take a peek at what Atlas was keeping me from, but I sensed it may be something intimidating. Maybe it was best if I didn't know.

I tilted my head back to see the entrance still wide open, the small night breeze had made its way towards me and fluttered my hair slightly. It made me shiver.

I let out an annoyed sigh and made sure to cautiously walk silently as I neared the entrance.

"My, my Atlas. It seems you and your accomplices have done it again and managed to dazzle the guests." A distant voice had said. I raised an eyebrow.

"And so it appears. I'm flattered you think so, old friend." Atlas said.

Old friend?

I neared the doors and leaned on one of the ledges cautiously. I heard the steps arising up the stairs, and I almost fell back in surprise.

I felt the urge to run away and forget what ever happened. I had an uneasy feeling. It was telling me to leave. "Leave god damnit!" I was eternally screaming. I felt my legs move on their own.

I peeked from the door and saw a faint, yet intimidating aura from the upcoming person. They wore an elegant tuxedo lined with purple. They had jet-black hair that seemed to shine in the moonlight. Their mask seemed to be the most unique and charming disguisers I had ever seen. It was an alluring sight to see. Though it covered most of their face, I could still make out their eyes.

My breath seemed to hitch as their luminescent purple eyes met my (E/C) ones. I struggled to find a breath, and tripped on my own feet backwards. I landed with a grunt and held my knee in agony. I gulped in air hungrily and got up with a groan. I ran away towards the ball room as if my life depended on it. I didn't care if they could hear the sound of my shoes clicking against the floor or the panicked breaths that disrupted the silence of the hall. I didn't care if my injured knee was burning and in pain.

I just needed to find Eve.

(??? P.O.V)

"Are you okay, did you see something?" Atlas asked.

I stared intensely at the spot I had seen the girl from. I nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just my overactive imagination I suppose. Let's go in, shall we?"


(Hey there guys! Part two is coming idk when! AhhaHauahwhebehejsbim so tired sksodisnehsnenebee goodnight guys. I hope you enjoyed. Again I apologize for the wait!!!

— Stream)

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