Chapter [12] Enchanted

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[hey there guys! Hope your having a good day, also since this book is like a real life au sort of, wouldn't Albert technically be a vlogger of some sort?

-- Stream]












I looked out the window of the cafeteria and gazed at the city not so far from where I sat.

I had realized that since most high-ranks had gone on vacation, the facility had seemed more lonely and deserted than usual.

"(Y/N)!" Eve yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Get your plate girl, it's getting cold!" She said as she held out a tray of food.

Eve had offered to go get my food for me considering I can't balance things I held correctly due to the injury and crutch.

"Sorry!" I said in a worried tone, I grabbed the plate with a smile. "Thank you Eve! I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble..." I placed the plate down on the table.

She shook her head as she sat down across from me, "Don't be sorry (Y/N). Don't force yourself to do things you can't do."

I got my fork and looked at the (Favorite Food) that was placed in front of me, which contrary to popular belief about work food, looked really good.












As Eve and I clocked out for work, we ran into Atlas.

"Oh! Hello you two!" He greeted us with a warm smile, "Would you mind helping me out in decorating the ball room?"

"Ball room?" I questioned.

"Yes! For the Glass Ball."

"I thought the myths were hosting the Glass Ball?" I asked with a tilt of my head, he shrugged, "They are, they just asked us to decorate and set up for them. They do come around every hour or so to check up on things and help."

I nodded, "W-Well, I can't really do much..."

"Nonsense, you can help make some of the decorations. Eve can help too!"

Eve had a happy glint in her eye and nodded, "Sure! Is the ball being held here?"

"No, no. It's being held near the central plaza. We can take the train there though." Atlas explained, I thought it was sort of a hassle but I had nothing better to do. The mini-train station was connected to our facility so it wouldn't be too long. I walked behind them slowly.

The platform was practically empty as we stepped onto the train. I watched the passing trees and scenery as we made our way to the party place. The bell on the train dung softly, signaling we arrived. I sat up and walked outside.

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