Chapter [13] Almost There

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I gazed earnestly at the decorated ball room.

It was almost completely decorated, "Just go home and get dressed. Relax for a bit. By the time you and everyone else arrive it will be completely decorated." Atlas had told me a couple minutes ago. I was waiting for Eve to come pick me up, as I did so, I admired the hard work members of the facility put into making the banquet hall seem very grand.

I heard a honk outside the building and saw Eve waiting for me in her car. I went to the stairs and walked down slowly. Luckily, my doctor said I didn't have to use my crutch anymore, so I would be able to move more.

As I reached the last step, Eve rolled down the car window and smiled to me. "Want to come over my house so that when we're done dressing I can drive you us to the party?" She questioned. I thought about it while I entered the car slowly. "Uh...I..I would but uh.....I don't have my dress with me though." I said with a disappointed tone. She put her foot on the peddle and the car drove off towards my house, "It's alright! You can pick it up from your place, I don't mind." I smiled to her, "Thanks Eve you're very kind..." Eve told me it was no problem. I took off my seat belt once my apartment complex came into view. I got out as fast as I could and walked upstairs in attempts to not keep my friend waiting.

I opened the front door and peered into the dark living room. I flipped the light switch on and limped to my bedroom. The house was quiet. I opened my closet and combed through all my clothes and pulled out a dress covered in a plastic cover. I pulled the cover off which revealed a (Favorite Color) dress with (Other Color) trims and (Another Color) ruffles towards the bottom. I smiled with a giggle and shut my the door. I grabbed my shoes and left the bedroom. I made sure everything was fine before I turned off the lights and locked my door. A cool winter breeze began to pick up as I left the house. The sunset was already beginning to fade away, meaning the party would soon begin.

I saw Eve put down her phone when she saw me coming, she unlocked the doors and then went back to typing on it, "Sorry. I was texting my boyfriend to see if he wanted me to pick him up after we change." I stepped in and placed my dress in the back of the car, "It's alright." Eve gave an exhilarated giggle, "I'm just so excited!" She started the car and drove forward.

I grinned at her. I felt nervous thinking about the ball. I just hoped by the end of the night we could finally get the key from Masqueraze. Or at least some secret from some other myths that may attend. I leaned on the door of the car, " you think we'd be able to get Masqueraze's key?" I turned to her. She looked at me for a moment before focusing her eyes on the road once more. "I have no idea. I don't think I'd want to try to talk it out of him, he's very particular and only really speaks to people he deems up to his standard." Eve explained.

I looked to the road ahead of us and nodded. Sometimes being a myth hunter was hard, I concluded.

We arrived to Eve's apartment sooner than expected. The apartment complex was quiet with the occasional cricket chirping in the darkness. Luckily, she lived on the main floor, so I didn't have to climb up stairs. She opened the door and welcomed me in. I examined her living room. It smelled of apple pie. I felt comfortable. I was ushered into the guest bedroom where she told me to change in. I took off my clothes and slipped on the dress. It was honestly very gorgeous, I did a quick test spin but groaned as I almost crumpled onto the floor. Yep, that was it. I guess I wouldn't be able to dance tonight. I winced and massaged my knee.

I stood back up, and looked into the big mirror that was hung onto the wall. I attempted to stand tall, confident and sophisticated. As practice for what I would do at the ball, to let myth's know who they were dealing with. I suddenly deflated, I felt a little foolish. My face flushed red as I sat onto the bed behind me with a huff. My insecurity began to creep up on me. What was I doing? I could never possibly become the myth hunter I desired to be. Thoughts in my brain began to pool around, but a soft knock sounded on the door. I turned to the side and pressed onto the bed. "Eve?" I questioned. She opened the door, "You done?"

I nodded and hopped off the bed. I grabbed my fancy shoes and placed them on, making my step have a little 'click' as I walked. I trotted out of the room. Eve was dressed in a rose-gold knee-length dress, a little shorter than mine, that had multiple layers of ruffles. "Eve!" I squealed, my inner-girly girl was kicking in. "You look absolutely gorgeous!"

She raised a hand over her mouth as she let out a small giggle, "Oh stop it you!"

"You look stunning already though!" Eve motioned to me, I smiled. "C'mon! We have no time to waste!" She said taking my hand and leading me to her bathroom, which had many bottles and palates of make up on the counter and a chair facing the mirror.

"After this, you'll catch everyone's eye!" She assured me. I laughed, "I doubt it."

"Yeah yeah, just you watch." She sat me down on the chair.

"Make it light." I pleaded.

"Don't worry. Don't worry. I'll make it fit your look perfectly."











[yO, aaAAAAAAAAAAAAA. im so sorry lol, i've been very busy this past week and have not had time to write many chapters. I hope you enjoyed tho! Next chapter will be the ball hhhhehehehwuuw uwu. I'm going to bed now. Night readers.

-- Stream]

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