Chapter [8] Run

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The bread from the bakery had been fresh and buttery, and much better than any bread I have ever eaten back home at Robloxia. I sat down on a bench not so far from the bakery, content, with a stomach full of baked goodness. Emotionless had went to the bathroom, which left me waiting there, the warm sun warming me up, making me sleepy.

"You look like you need a nap." Unpredictable Day piped up as he walked over to me. I nodded with a small laugh. I noted the other operatives following him behind, "I suppose you all will give me a tour now?" I asked, he nodded.

Emotionless had walked up after coming from the bathroom. "Great Day said arrive to his place no later than 10 pm. Let's get going."

I nodded, eager to finally explore the big city, "We're heading to [ZONE] 4, right?" I asked whoever would respond.

"Correct." Practical Day said. I looked to him for a moment, "Oh, I believe we haven't met considering I wasn't there when you were found. I'm Practical Day," He reached out his hand to me, I took it and shook it, "(Y/N) (L/N)."

"[IDENTITY] (L/N) here is a myth hunter!" Radiant Day had announced to the small group, just then I had noticed that not all 12 operatives were present. I assumed they all had better stuff to do than give a regular old myth hunter a tour.

I shrugged it off and joined the conversation, "Y-Yeah...I'm sort of a newbie..." I laughed.


The warm sun had began to cool down as the skies became a mix of reds, blues, and yellows.

We had made it to [ZONE] 2.

The shops were beginning to close down, and civilians were headed home. The lamps began to glow faintly as we walked passed the city square. We passed Alone Traveler's residence, which seemed to not have been occupied in a while. I quietly wondered if Selozar was okay.

"We have many nice shops here, you should come visit in the morning some other time." Benevolent Day had smiled kindly to me, "Of course! Your guys' city is very homey! I'll make sure to come visit again." I smiled back, the group so far was very kind.

The entrance to [ZONE] 3 was clear, "Stay close to us [IDENTITY] (L/N)." Unpredictable Day had said. I nodded, the citizens who lived here had already gone inside their homes. Even if this area was meant for financials unstable residents, it was still nicely kept. You stayed close to the group, being in the middle made you feel safe.

The sky had become a dark purple color, indicating it was going to be night soon. It was still early, so we had time to make it to Great Day's residence before 10.

Our footsteps had echoed through the empty zone, we made turns and passed by different buildings that were interesting.

Many wild animals such as cats, or dogs would sometimes make an appearance.

A small breeze had began to pick up, making my (H/C) hair flutter softly. I held my bag close to me as I could finally see the entrance to [ZONE] 4. I could hear someone let out a breath of relief but couldn't tell who it was.

I could see some operatives guarding [ZONE] 4, "Oh, so that's where they went." I thought. The sky began to grow dark, so it was hard to tell which Days were which considering they were wearing hazmat suits (is that the name, I don't remember?).

They said nothing to us as we passed them.

Great Day's house was well lit and had many rooms. As we entered his residence I noticed the many paintings on the grey colored walls.

"Evening Ms. (L/N)!" Great Day spoke up when he entered he hall. "A-Ah, evening sir!" I waved to him slightly.

"Allow me to show you to your room." The Supreme Leader offered, I nodded in response.

I waved to the group behind me and thanked them for the tour as I trailed off to where Great Day was waiting.

The hallways seemed long and endless as he led me through them. We finally came upon a room with no door, but the inside looked furnished and comfortable.

"You will stay here for tonight. Goodnight Ms. (L/N)." He said in a gentlemanly tone. "Goodnight! Thank you again!" I waved to him as he walked away. The room was dimly lit and had a window facing the outside.

I sat down on the bed, suddenly feeling the urge to sleep, and laid down, pushing the blankets up towards me. I set my bag on the desk next to me.

My eyelids began to feel heavy, eventually, I fell asleep.


Foul, low growling woke me up. A churning sensation in my stomach began to form. I opened my eyes.

It's horrible glowing eyes seemed to be glaring at me from the far corner of the room. "Oh no." I had thought.

I was too scared to speak or even call out for help.

I clung tightly to my bag, hoping that staring at it would help, that it wouldn't let it move.

When I blinked I found the corner empty.

No more foul growling, no more glaring eyes.

Had it all been a horrible illusion?

I shakily got up to examine the room. But it was no where to be found.




Gunshots ran through the air, I assumed the Days finally found out about the breached residence. I slowly made my way out the door, examining the hallway.

I had spotted some of the days, "RUN MS. (L/N)!" Was all they told me.

I had no choice but to bolt down to the opposite hallway.

[aAAA IM SORRY I WROTE THIS LATE!!! I hope you guys enjoyed!

-- Stream]

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