Chapter [15] The Glass Ball (pt.2)

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{ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee art by meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, dont judge it i did it q U I Ckl y



anyways, please enjoy uwu}

You practically melted as you took a spoonful of the coffee jelly Eve offered you.

You explained the whole ordeal to her and she reassured you that everything was fine, and indulged you in different sweets to forget your woes.

Though, Eve was nervous for you too. When a waiter passed by she asked if she could possibly borrow two masks. The old man nodded cheerfully and went off to wherever.

As he went by, you too, asked for something, and ordered (Your Preferred Flavor) cake.

You were easily manipulated by sweets and almost forgot about the scary mask man's daunting gaze, until you caught glimpse of his unique mask and Atlas's piercing eyes. They walked into the ball room.

You shrank into your chair. Sliding down, your eyes stared into the void in hopes to not make eye contact with the scary mask man. Deciding to just disappear, you bent down and hid behind the table, which earned weird glances from Eve and your other coworkers who sat by you.

As they walked by you ducked down.

For a moment you hoped they left. You stuck your head up, but as they glanced your way their eyes made contact with yours. You head-butted the table on reflex and cursed as you massaged it in attempts to soothe the pain.

"Woah (Y/N), chill out. They didn't even notice you. You almost made my pudding drop." Eve whined. "Also here," she handed you a cheap but nice looking mask. It was a light color of (insert color here lmao) and had small stones that shined. It had a ribbon, which Eve tied into a bow behind your head which matched your dress. "Oh! It looks pretty nice!" Eve complemented. "Your's looks nice too!"

Luckily, it didn't cover the bottom part of your face so you could eat your cake with no hassle.

"Evening (Y/N)." Atlas suddenly appeared behind you, which made you almost choke on the spoon you were eating your cake with. "Oh no. My apologies, dear (Y/N). I didn't mean to spook you." He apologized. It seemed half-assed and insincere but you were more focused on trying to keep alive. Eventually your choking fit turned into a coughing one.

"I just wanted to let everyone know that our facility has made a great impression on everyone so far, but the night is still young! Keep it up everyone! Enjoy yourselves!" He clapped.

All of your coworkers agreed.

You sipped your water and took a breath before glaring at the direction Altas retreated in.

Maybe he was mad at you since you didn't listen to him when he told you not to peak outside.

It was very possible. But you decided to ignore it.

You chewed your cake in a worried state. "Who was that guy anyways?" You questioned, "Maybe it was...Masqueraze. It seems to fit in within this weird puzzle. It's also highly likely why Atlas wouldn't have wanted me to be seen by him. He probably thinks of me as a lowly peasant." You eternally cried in a dramatic fashion.

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