Chapter 31

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3rd Person

It was such a fucking mess. Everything. Fucking everything.

The castle that once stood in pride and stone, was in disarray. The pillars of proud grandeur that towered over its charges had fallen in a tumultuous boom. Bricks mortared with the bones of the stepping stones to the incumbent wealth. The walls that were once decorated in gold and the color of blood, were now truly covered in the crimson red that bled from the unfortunate inhabitants that couldn't evade the cross-fire.

Vampires and the occasional other fled. Flashes conjuring an up-tick of dust, bats flying, playing a devastating game of "avoid the life-threatening boulders" falling from god-knows-where. Heaven maybe. Or maybe they're being shot out from the burning pits of hell. The atomic happenings cause such power to be released from either source.

"Son of a bitch." One screamed as they were nearly crushed by an avalanche of bricks. Holding their arms over their head as the additional rubble and dust rained down. Next to them, sticking out under the large, heavy bits of concrete was a bloody mangled appendage. Someone didn't make it. All that was left was their hand, and a bit of forearm.

It had gone too far. The Ignacio's took it too far. After everything, the kidnapping, the assault, the trial, the lying, the scheming, and the torture. they were already over the line, but their final act really just devastated the line itself.

The committee had its ruling. Because of the compounding evidence, the flaws in the writing of the law at hand, and the great lawyering of Sariha; the committee ruled in favor of Nicco. So, he was released into the arms of his waiting blood bond. Michael, who had been so very happy and relieved, held, kissed, and cried when he finally grasped Nicco. Who returned every action.

In addition to Nicco's release, the committee decided to rewrite the new law. They also decided to conduct an entire investigation regarding the Ignacio's, and other esteemed vampires who have reported to and influenced the decisions of the court.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." Nicco had concluded.

They had tried to leave. Didn't even collect what few things they had brought along. They were so close too. They had even made it outside. But, they were ambushed.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. Let go!" Michael screamed as he was ripped from Nicco. Colt kept Michael in his arms with a bruising grip. The human thrashed, using his weight on Colt, making him falter in his step. But his effort was futile as the vampire maintained his snake-like grasp. "Nicco!"

"Michael!" Nicco responded with a scream. He was forced on his knees along with Sariha and Bethany by Camilla's powers. "Mother!"

The lustrous Estelle Ignacio stood amongst her children and her minions. Despite her husband being the one who has helped the esteemed vampiric high council, she was the one with the power, the control. And she commands what she wants, and she wants the four to burn.

"You thought you could escape me? After poisoning the Ignacio name! Making a fool of me! No! I will not allow such insubordination from an abomination!" The gravelly scream reverberated across the courtyard.

Nicco's dead heart jumped, memories of the same word echoing through his mind. The same word that was yelled at him when every member of his family bound him, tortured him, changed him. His breathing quickened in anticipation. He wasn't the only one.


"Shut it!" Estelle snapped at her eldest child, Dario. Who wore weary features, a sheen of sweat on his brow. "Give me the human!" She beckoned Colt. The courtyard became silent.

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