Chapter 2

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This is Mi amour Bethany. Mi bollo de chocolate caliente!

POV: Sariha

"Sariha, it's me, Nicco." I instantly remember the snooty little boy that I had played with during my last days before moving. I remember Micheal telling me what Nicco did to him while I was gone. Getting off of his lap I slapped him on his cheek. He hissed and grabbed his cheek. "Ow what is wrong with you. You meet someone you haven't seen in 10 years and you slap them. Woooow rude much." He says the last part really sassy. I was pulling up my sleeves so I could full on destroy him but the door opened. The nurse that was here earlier walked in and saw me standing over Nicco, whose sitting criss-crossed like a baby. He looks over at the nurse and smirked again. "She's trying to kill me Bethany, help me." He said while throwing his arms up. She rolled her eyes then walked up to Nicco and pulled on his ear and saying something in Spanish. He hissed as she pulled up making Nicco stand up. He tried to push Bethany away but she held her ground. When Nicco gave up she turned to me.

"I'm sorry about my brother, but what made you hit him."

"Oh he told me that he was the one that bullied my best friend for the few years after I moved away." I gave Nicco a death stare as I crack my knuckles. He gives me a puppy dog-eyed smirk. I wanted to rip that smirk off his face. Bethany interrupted me by slapping him on the shoulder.

"I just told her my name and that I use to be in her 2nd grade class. Shesh, what has your tits in a twist." me and Bethany groan at his slide comment. I lower my 'weapons' and crossed them across my chest. Bethany let Nicco go and he went to sit on one of the chairs in the small room. "And what friend are we talking about?" He said putting his hand under his chin.

"Micheal." He went white again and looked through the glass and saw Micheal's still body as the doctors worked on him. He slowly walked to the window and placed his hand on it. After a second he pulls back really fast and puts on the smirk he was wearing a few minutes back.

"Well what did he do to himself? He was always quite clumsy." He said with a smirky attitude and a giggle.

"Actually he was beat and raped by his dad." I yelled at him and got up in his face. He gasped and growled possessively. His face contorted in anger. He pushed past me and pulled open the door with such force it banged against the wall scaring me and Bethany and the few people outside the watching room. He walked down the hall hurriedly. I turned to Bethany right as she turned to me. She grumbled a 'sorry' and ran after him. I just stood there thoroughly confused. Welp I thought to myself and sat back down. I looked up at Michael's body as the doctors finish up and start to stitch him up. "God, please be okay Micheal." I pleaded to myself.

POV: Nicco

I ran down the hallway, blood boiling. People scattered left and right to not get in my way. I push open the bathroom door, then slammed it shut and locked it. I paced around the bathroom running my hands through my hair. I stopped in front of the mirror and I saw the anxiety, anger, and longing in my eyes. I didn't know I did it until I felt the warm blood run down my knuckles and onto the marble floor. The glass from the mirror litter the sink and counter. I breathed heavily as I started pacing around the bathroom again. No, it can't be him. Just as I almost got rid of my feelings for him. All those restless nights filled with nightmares, after hours of therapy. The longing feeling to dominate that little body of his corrupted my mind every fucking time I thought about him. Fuck... there was pounding on the door. I unlocked it and swung it open.

"WHAT!" I growled. Bethany stood there with one hand on her hip and she had an unfazed expression on. "Mierda de puta!" I yelled at her in our native language. She walked into the bathroom analyzing the mess I made and saw my hand. She sighed and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Miel, está bien. Nicco, is Micheal the one?" she wasn't specific but I knew what she was talking about. I nodded finally feeling a bit calm and placed my head in the crook in her neck. She started to brush her hands through my hair as she hummed for a bit. I calmed down fully and stood straight up again surprising Bethany. I nodded at her showing I was okay. "¿Bueno ahora?" I nodded again as she guided me out of the bathroom and into a patient room to patch up my hand. As she cleaned my wound I spaced out remembering when I first discovered I liked Michael. We were in fifth grade, right before I moved away.

I pinned him against the wall as his small frame was shaking. "Oh are you scared little Mikey." I said while he hid his face with his shoulder length hair. I don't think its been cut since around the time Sariha moved away. He trembled as I brushed the hair out of his face. I wasn't ready when I saw his beautiful sapphire blue eyes. My body froze as his eyes met mine. We were like that until I started to lean in wanting to press his small lips to mine. "Nicco!" I jumped back from Michael as my mom's voice came from the front of the school. I looked back at him and noticed a blush spreading across his cheeks. "I forgot to tell you i'm moving to Pennsylvania. So be careful and don't make anyone else move away. Mi amor" I said stupidly taking one last look at him before speed walking to my moms car. As she drove away I saw Micheal peek out from behind the wall waving his hand a little. I waved back and watched as his already small frame got smaller and smaller as we drove away.

I had called him My Love on accident but it was true. I did love him. I knew I was hitting puberty at the time so I thought it was just hormones at first but I realized it was full on obsessive love, and every time I went to bed I dreamed about the times I hurt him. The time when I carried him out of the school to the ambulance because of the panic attack I had caused him to have.

Mierda de puta- Fuck off bitch

Miel, está bien- honey, it's alright

¿Bueno ahora?- you good now?

Mi amor-my love

1,208 Words

Sorry this took so long I really wanted to make this chapter as good as it could be. I really hope you like it. I LOVE YOUUUUU BYEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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