Chapter 7 (Mature)

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POV: 3rd Person

It's been almost three weeks since Micheal has moved in with Nicco. Both have gone back to school and are now occupied with homework. They're sitting on the couch with notebooks and binders laying out in front of them. They had most of their classes together and so they did all their class work together. Both boys were quite intelligent and got through the problems in no time. So now they sit at opposite ends of the couch and watch a random movie. Micheal wasn't paying attention to the movie but more to the boy a couple feet away from him. He has been thinking about what took place in the pool. He can't stand the fact that he had a panic attack right as Nicco was sliding his big cock into him. Now he spends every waking moment thinking about how it would feel with Nicco fucking him. He has had some seriously painful hard-ons because of those nasty thoughts. Micheal wants to be in an actual relationship with Nicco. But he is way too scared and nervous to even talk with Nicco without stuttering and blushing.

Speaking of Nicco, he has been avoiding any physical contact with Micheal. Not only that but he has also cut himself off from making any jokes that are even remotely sexual or flirtatious. He doesn't want to trigger Micheal to have a panic attack again. Of course Nicco hates doing this and just wants to cuddle and fuck Micheal with no hesitation. He also was trying to figure out a way to tell Michael he's a vampire. Nicco feels bad not telling him but he also doesn't want to scare Micheal away. The Cuban boy chews on his nails with sharp teeth clearly oblivious to the pale boy staring at him with lust.

"Hey Nicco?" Micheal whispered somewhat hoping Nicco wouldn't hear. But vampire hearing is quite enhanced and Nicco lifted his head up.

"Yes." Nicco said with a smile.

"Can... um, we talk about what happened... in the pool?" Nicco brought his hand that was still by his mouth, to the space between his legs. He gave him a nod and Micheal moved closer.

"Well, um I didn't mind what happened in the pool." He inched closer. "And I don't mind your flirting or your sarcastic remarks." Micheal climbed onto Nicco, legs straddling his, with his arms pressed into the cushion behind Niccos head. "But what I do mind," he paused and leaned in, feeling Niccos hot breath hit his face. "Is that you stopped. Why?" Micheals voice got deeper and sounded more serious at the end. Showing that Micheal really hated being ignored by Nicco. Nicco couldn't really focus on anything besides the fact that Micheal basically just said that he wanted to do "stuff" with him. Nicco struggled to find words for Micheals question. Nothing but mumbles and stutters came from his mouth. "Answer me, Grey." Micheal whispered into his ear. Nicco, seeing this side of Micheal, got hard.

"I-i just,..." He groaned as Micheal bit the tip of his ear. Micheal knew fully well what he was doing and he knew it was affecting Nicco. He trailed his hands up Niccos chest and onto his broad shoulders. With a few more nibbles on his earlobe Micheal moved so he was looking right into Niccos eyes. Nicco grabbed the small hands that rested on his shoulders and brought them to the center of his chest. Niccos face turned from lust filled to serious. Micheal instantly switched from horny to semi-horny. "I stopped because I didn't want to trigger you to have a panic attack,... I didn't want you to be in pain,,..." He brushed his hand against Micheals cheek. He paused once more while bringing Micheal in closer. " because of me." Nicco now held a surprised Micheal in his arms with his head buried in the crook of the smaller boys neck. "I don't want to hurt you." Nicco whispered.

"You won't." Micheal answered back with a soft but affirming voice. Nicco shook his head.

"You don't know that, you don't know what I'm capable of Micheal." Nicco said through clenched teeth. His fangs elongating, the strong beating of Micheals heart enticing him. Blood flowing through his entire body and Nicco wanted to bite every part of him to taste every single drop. The violent nature of vampires is to bite, suck, kill. As much as Nicco wanted to suck Micheals blood he knew he might not be able to stop himself and he couldn't deal with the death of his beloved. People picture vampires as these emotionless monsters, but how wrong they are. Vampires, once they find someone they like, become very attached to said person. And Nicco happened to like Micheal very much and he was already ready to conquer the world for Micheal. If that is what he wanted, but the only thing Micheal wanted was to kiss Nicco and hug him and suck- (*BEEEEEPPP* Narator: wtf is this gay shit im out! lol) and do many other things. So that is just what he did. First, he cupped Niccos face and brought their heads together. Lightly kissing his cheek. Then he moved on to Niccos jaw then his neck. Being the smaller one Micheal had to stretch his back and lean on his knees to do all this. His heart was beating fast. Not because he was scared or anything but because he wanted it so fucking bad and he was ecstatic that they were gonna fuck, hopefully. Micheals bulge grew and he was already grinding against Nicco for some type of friction.

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