fourteen. rollercoaster screams

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real life !
   july fifteenth 2023

Kylie West held a large smile on her face as her family ( + rosie ) and the neumanns all walked towards the amusement park entrance

they were at busch gardens, one of the most known amusement parks in virginia. kylie had watched so many tiktoks about all of the rides so she was super excited

nelson took notice of her excitement, "you gonna be my ride buddy ?" he asked, silently hoping her answer was a yes

kylie pretended to think about it for a second, just to tease him. "yeah, ill be your ride buddy" she agreed making nelson crack a smile.

"guess we better hold hands then, just so I don't lose you" nelson casually flirted, though on the inside, his heart was pumping. nelson was afraid that kylie didn't want him to flirt, which was the farthest thing from true.

all kylie wanted was for him to flirt. she wanted him to try to kiss her again like he did on the fourth of july, this time without any interruptions.

the two slipped their hands together, both turning away to secretly blush. everyone watched it happen, knowing they both like eachother. now one of them just needs to make the final move and kiss.

as the families walked up to the enterance, scanning their tickets, they all walked in one by one, waiting for the rest of the group. now that they were all in inside, the parents began to talk about rules.

"we're gonna let you guys go off with a buddy, or as a group, whichever you want ! except, you must meet us back here at four o'clock and answer our texts within a ten minute window. if you're on a ride that's an exception but just let us know that !" shannon began

next up cassie spoke, "we have your locations, so don't try and be sneaky, we will find you and catch you ! you also have our locations so if you cant find us, either call us or use the life 360 ! that's it, go have fun !" she ushered the kids away

luke, niles, nelson, and kylie wasted no time running towards whichever ride looked the scariest. they had accidentally left noah, jake, and rosalie behind, but they were following from a distance anyway

the first ride they found was called the verbolten, which looked fun enough that they got in line. it wasn't the ride that appealed kylie, it was the screaming.

if the rollercoaster screams are louder than ever, you know its a good ride. but if they're quiet ? the rides most likely a snoozefest !

"we're gonna go on that one !" noah called to the four teens in line, pointing to the ride directly across from the one they were getting on. "wait out here when you're done, okay ?" all of the teens said an ok, prompting noah to walk away

as the four waited in line, they observed the other rides around them, trying to plan which one they wanted to go on next. "look at that one !" niles exclaimed, pointing to one of the biggest rides in the entire park

it was huge. "holy shit ! we have to go on that one !" luke agreed, a large smile on his face. lukes smile, led kylie to smile, which led nelson to smile. it was like a smile cycle, and when kylie realized that, it made her smile even more

she loved this little group that the season of summer had created for her. she felt more connected to the three of them, and this truly was a perfect way to spend vacation.

after the long line, and the crazy rollercoaster that dropped from under them ! they were stood waiting for the older teens to finish their ride.

thankfully they weren't much longer. "we're going on that ride !" niles told them, pointing to said ride they had discussed about in line.

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