Crossed paths

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The sun was just beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling gardens of the Kensington estate.

A cool breeze displacing strands of my wavy hair from its uniformed plait.I stood on the balcony of my bedroom, overlooking the meticulously manicured lawns and the shimmering pool.

This had always been my sanctuary, a place where I could escape the suffocating expectations of my family. But lately, even this refuge felt like an ornate lie,a pretty little prison.

Life as Iris Kensington, wealthy socialite and heiress, was one of opulence and privilege. I attended the finest schools, wore the most luxurious clothes, and mingled with the elite.

From the outside, my life seemed perfect. But behind the facade, I felt trapped in a web of obligations and expectations.

The latest twist in this ongoing saga that was my life is my engagement to Adam, a billionaire whose name was synonymous with power and success.

My parents were thrilled. For them, this was the culmination of years of strategic planning, an alliance that would solidify our family's status and wealth.

For me, it was a nightmare. I didn't love Adam. In fact, I barely knew him.Even after one year together our engagement was a cold, calculated move, devoid of any real affection.

I sighed and stepped back inside, closing the balcony doors behind me. The elaborate chandelier cast a soft light over the room, and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

My reflection stared back, the elegant dress and flawless makeup failing to mask the sadness in my eyes. This wasn't the life I had dreamed of. I longed for something real, something meaningful.

Just as I was lost in thought, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I called, forcing the joyful mask that I always wore back onto my face.

Adam entered, his presence as imposing as ever. He was handsome in a conventional way, with his perfectly styled hair and tailored suit, but there was an air of detachment about him. We were engaged, yet we felt like strangers.

"Iris," he said, his tone businesslike, "I wanted to let you know about an important company deal I've made."

"Of course," I reply, trying to sound interested.

"I'm hoping to make a partnership with a very important new company and its CEO will be joining us for dinner tomorrow night."

Adam continued discussing the details of the deal, but I barely heard him.My mind drifted far away,away from the wedding and the mansion and Adam

"Are you okay?"he asks,interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm fine," I lied. "Just a bit tired, that's all."

He nodded, satisfied with my response. "Good. Make sure everything is perfect for tomorrow's dinner. This is an important deal."

"Of course," I replied automatically.

The next day was a blur of preparations.

The staff was in a frenzy, ensuring that every detail of the dinner was perfect.

I moved through the motions, directing the arrangements, choosing the menu, selecting the perfect dress.

I chose a plush cyan gown that complemented my sea green eyes and added a touch of sophistication to my sullen features,then I clasped an emerald necklace around my neck and lined my eyes with black liner.

Arabella got ready with me,wearing a velvet violet gown with a plunging neckline and twisting her newly dyed red hair into a tight topknot.

It felt like old times as we giggled whilst I nearly twisted my ankle in my heels and as she managed to spray enough Chanel perfume to stock an entire store.

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