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The large, ornate mirror in my bedroom reflected a woman I hardly recognized anymore.

My hands moved methodically as I packed the silk gowns and designer heels into the Louis Vuitton suitcase, the motions automatic, devoid of excitement.

My engagement ring, a massive diamond that seemed to weigh down my hand, sparkled under the soft lighting. I sighed, glancing over at Adam, who was busy on his laptop, finalizing the last details of our upcoming wedding in Thailand.

"Make sure to pack the blue dress," he reminded me without looking up. "We have a formal dinner with Luke on the second night."

Luke Carson. The name sent a shiver down my spine.Two days ago I'd seen Luke for the first time in years, not since high school, not since that day when everything changed. Back then, he was just Luke, a boy with kind eyes and a laugh that could light up the darkest room.

But now, he was the CEO of Carson Enterprises, a multi-million pound company. More importantly,a man I could not stand.

And I was the soon-to-be Mrs. Sinclair, fiancée to a billionaire. Funny how life twists and turns, how the heart can carry scars that never truly heal.

Adam's voice pulled me back to the present. "It's great that Luke could make it to the wedding, don't you think? Sinclair Industries and Carson Enterprises could do wonders together."

I forced a smile. "Yes, it's great."

He looked up then, a rare moment of softness in his otherwise stern features. "You're going to love Thailand. It's beautiful this time of year. Perfect for a wedding."

"Yes, perfect," I echoed, though the word felt hollow. The truth was, nothing about this wedding felt perfect. It felt like a carefully orchestrated transaction, a merger between two powerful families rather than a union of love. But I had made my bed, and now I had to lie in it.

As I finished packing, memories of Luke came flooding back, unbidden and bittersweet. We had been inseparable, two halves of a whole. I still remembered the anguish in his eyes when he told me he couldn't see me anymore, the way his voice broke as he said it was over. I knew he was lying, but I also knew he had no choice. My parents were powerful, ruthless. They got what they wanted, no matter the cost.

And Luke had never looked back after that day.

I had been a fool.

"Ready?" Adam's voice jolted me back again.

"Yes, I'm ready," I lied. I had been lying to myself for years.

The flight to Thailand was long, and Adam spent most of it engrossed in work and Ara insisted on flying in business class with her new boyfriend Samuel.

I didn't want to bet how long he would last.

It seemed like she picked up new guys every time she went shopping and dumped the old in a matter of days,weeks if the poor guy was lucky

I stared out the window, the clouds beneath us a vast, endless sea. My thoughts drifted again to Luke.The other night at dinner he seemed so calm and calculated.

I was driving myself mad.

The endless drone of the plane began to lull me into a dreamless sleep but before I drifted off I sleepily turned to Adam


"Yes doll"

"I love you."

He looked genuinely surprised at that.I guess I had never told him that before.

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