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The morning sun streamed through the curtains of my penthouse, bathing the room in a golden glow. I lay in my cold lonely bed, staring at the ceiling, my mind replaying the events of the previous evening.

Seeing Iris and Arabella again after all these years was a shock I was still struggling to process.

Iris was as stunning as ever, her presence commanding the room in a way that brought back a flood of memories.But she looked angry,resentful even.

Not that I could blame her,after all I had left her with a promise that I never kept and a broken heart I never got to heal.

Why was I such an idiot ?

I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the kitchen, where the scent of freshly brewed coffee greeted me.

The modern appliances and sleek countertops were a far cry from the modest home I grew up in. I poured myself a cup and took a moment to savor the rich aroma.

Despite all the success and luxury that now surrounded me, some things remained constant. Coffee was one of them.

As I sipped my coffee, I couldn't help but think about Iris. She was engaged to Adam Sinclair, a man who seemed to have everything—power, wealth, and now, the woman I once loved.

The woman I still loved, if I were honest with myself. The years had done nothing to diminish the feelings I had for her. If anything, seeing her again had only reignited them, bringing them to the surface with an intensity that was hard to ignore.

She however looked as if she hated my guts,the way Arabella mimed gagging whenever she thought I wasn't looking,when Iris pouted her full lips and the little crease that appeared in between her brows,the glares she thought were going to scare me away.

It was cute that she thought that.

My phone buzzed,bringing me back to reality. It was a message from Julia, my ever-efficient assistant, reminding me of the day's schedule. I had a series of meetings lined up, starting with a conference call at 9 AM. I downed the rest of my coffee and headed to my home office, ready to dive into another busy day.

Carson Enterprises was thriving, and it took every ounce of my energy and focus to keep it that way. By noon, I was deep into a financial report when Julia buzzed in.

"Luke, Adam Sinclair is on the line. He says it's important."

I felt a pang of anxiety mixed with curiosity. "Put him through."

"Luke," Adam's voice came through, smooth and controlled as always. "I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time."

"Not at all," I replied, leaning back in my chair. "What's up?"

"I wanted to discuss the final details of our partnership. Are you free for lunch?"

"Sure. Where do you want to meet?"

"There's a new place downtown, Le Bistro. I'll send the car for you at one."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

The line went dead, and I couldn't help but wonder what this meeting was really about. Adam was a shrewd businessman, and while I trusted him professionally, his personal life now intersected uncomfortably with mine. Seeing Iris at dinner had been unexpected, and it left me questioning what Adam's real intentions were.

At one o'clock sharp, a sleek black car arrived to take me to Le Bistro. The restaurant was upscale, its minimalist decor and soft lighting exuding an air of exclusivity. Adam was already there, seated at a corner table with a view of the bustling city streets.

"Luke," he greeted me warmly as I approached. "Thanks for coming on such short notice."

"No problem," I said, taking a seat. "What's on your mind?"

Adam smiled, but there was a hint of something else in his eyes—anticipation, perhaps. "I wanted to talk to you about the future of our partnership. I believe there are some exciting opportunities ahead that could be mutually beneficial."

We spent the next hour discussing business strategies, market expansions, and potential joint ventures. Adam was as sharp and insightful as ever, and I found myself genuinely intrigued by the possibilities he laid out. Yet, beneath the surface, there was an undercurrent of tension. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this meeting than just business.

As we finished our meal, Adam leaned back in his chair, his expression shifting from professional to something more personal. "There's one more thing I wanted to discuss with you, Luke."

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "Oh?"

Adam hesitated for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully. "It's about Iris."

I leaned forward, my mind racing. "What are you talking about, Adam?"

Adam took a deep breath. "I want you to come to our wedding in Thailand."


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